Fudgesickles!! One Week from Harvest and...


Active Member
I find seeds!!!

I have a six site hydro grow in a small space. I tried to keep on top of checking them but when they got bushier, it was harder with my back problems so I guess I missed the hermie.

Found one plant with seeds. The other plants have clusters but I have yet to find seeds in them. Does this mean they are all hermie?

Is it even worth it to wait a week to harvest or should I just make some oil out of these?


Well-Known Member
sure its worth the wait. if nothing else you will get some seeds out of it. waiting could ensure the seeds are mature


Active Member
I don't see any bananas coming out but i do have little green seeds in one of the plant. The other plants have clusters out of the side shoots. No seeds, no nanas as far as I can see.

Do female plants normally have clusters forming like that?

Could it be that this one plant pollinated itself? If so, should I chop it or it's already too late seeing as the pods have opened and there are seeds?


Well-Known Member
i would say this one plant/ hermie has pollinated all your females making dogey seeds, other then that if u get to the hermie early DESTROY all the male parts b4 they open and use dutchmasters reverse on them. gl


Well-Known Member
What do u mean 'clusters'. Are there male pollen sacks or not? Throw away any seed, dont grow these dissapointing hermies again.


Active Member
I find seeds!!!

Is it even worth it to wait a week to harvest or should I just make some oil out of these?
Personally, this close to harvest I would continue on for another week of so. That's just my opinion. I did read that this sometimes happens toward the end of flowering (Marijuana Grower's Insider's Guide, by Mel Franks). "After 8-12 weeks of flowering you may notice male anthers (pollen sacs) protruding from female buds -it's time to harvest. A few male flower parts won't ruin your crop (although infertile seeds may develop)."

If they weren't there at the beginning or middle of flowering I wouldn't worry too much. Then again, I am a bud hungry newbie. :leaf::leaf::leaf:


Active Member
So I'm going to have seedy ass weed, right? Will they all contain seeds or is there a chance of false seed pods because all my plants have them.


Active Member
So I'm going to have seedy ass weed, right? Will they all contain seeds or is there a chance of false seed pods because all my plants have them.
So, they are not just hermies turned during the last week or so? All of your buds have turned, not just a few on each plant? Uh-oh oh-no:leaf::leaf::leaf: