Fuk it! Out with old in with the new!!!

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New Member
Hey dude hey man!:)
very nice job... And i am new in this thread
may i ask what do u use ? Soil or hyrdo. DWC PAL!
And how much each plants weigh do u think right now? i got told of mega yilder 10 oz each plant :):)
Best wishes
Thanks for posting mate!:)


New Member
:)All of the following pages are pictures, except the one i have wrote next to :)

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Page - 121------- how old my plants are, will be updated weekly from now on!:)
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Thanks! :-P


Well-Known Member
Start de leafing at day 15 bro take no more than a third of the plants fan leaves then az day 28 lollipop and take fan leaves that ate blockin light to good bud structure then 2 weeks before the end take as many as u wish!!


New Member
thanks pal, will do.
im 5 weeks on monday, what should i do about it till then? I keep nipping the bigger ones of out the middle and the tops, but im sure the fucking grow back :lol:

Any predictions on my yield ???
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