Well-Known Member
This is my second ever grow and I'm using every single one off the canna nutes range ,
Canna A
Canna B
PK 13/14 (for when needed)
Canna Boost (for when flowering begins)
I'm growing in Canna Natural and 16L Rhizo Pots.
My uncle recommended these mutes to me, Hes in his mid 50s and been growing 30 plus year so hes giving me tip and whatnot and he said he's used Many off nutes over the years and nothing tops Canna Nutes, I'm growing 2 Royal Cheese and 2 White Widow so the cheese is leaning towards sativa and you can tell already it's they are going to be tall plants, The white widows you can tell are going to bushy plants just by looking at them, They look a real healthy green and im presuming it's down to the nutes, The 4 are under a 600w light so plenty off space for them.
Anyway the way im mixing my nutes is in a 10L bucket with a lid and however milk bottles i use, I fill the 2 litre milk.bottles the night before then mix it up I don't use it straightt from then mix them
Anyway this is how I mix my Canna Nutrients, I'm using the "Light Feeding Schedule" on their website and obviously the 10L feeding,
Right this is how i mix them up, All in 2 Litre milk bottles with water in them that has been sat for around 12 hours, Then nutrients added to the bottle.
mixed 19ml *A*
mixed 19ml *B*
mixed 20ml Ryzotonic
mixed 25ml Cannazym
Then i Just add 2 Litre off plain water to make it up to 10L.
Then that makes up the 10 Litre's, I give the 2 Litre off water inbetween the A and B then stir lighty with them not being able to be added at the same time, Then I let it sit for a few hours then feed.
Simple question folks am I mixing them all up right? This is how I've been showed and told how to do it off my uncle.
Any one else using the full canna range? If so what's your thoughts on it my plant are nearly a month old and are looking lovely i must say.
Canna A
Canna B
PK 13/14 (for when needed)
Canna Boost (for when flowering begins)
I'm growing in Canna Natural and 16L Rhizo Pots.
My uncle recommended these mutes to me, Hes in his mid 50s and been growing 30 plus year so hes giving me tip and whatnot and he said he's used Many off nutes over the years and nothing tops Canna Nutes, I'm growing 2 Royal Cheese and 2 White Widow so the cheese is leaning towards sativa and you can tell already it's they are going to be tall plants, The white widows you can tell are going to bushy plants just by looking at them, They look a real healthy green and im presuming it's down to the nutes, The 4 are under a 600w light so plenty off space for them.
Anyway the way im mixing my nutes is in a 10L bucket with a lid and however milk bottles i use, I fill the 2 litre milk.bottles the night before then mix it up I don't use it straightt from then mix them
Anyway this is how I mix my Canna Nutrients, I'm using the "Light Feeding Schedule" on their website and obviously the 10L feeding,
Right this is how i mix them up, All in 2 Litre milk bottles with water in them that has been sat for around 12 hours, Then nutrients added to the bottle.
mixed 19ml *A*
mixed 19ml *B*
mixed 20ml Ryzotonic
mixed 25ml Cannazym
Then i Just add 2 Litre off plain water to make it up to 10L.
Then that makes up the 10 Litre's, I give the 2 Litre off water inbetween the A and B then stir lighty with them not being able to be added at the same time, Then I let it sit for a few hours then feed.
Simple question folks am I mixing them all up right? This is how I've been showed and told how to do it off my uncle.
Any one else using the full canna range? If so what's your thoughts on it my plant are nearly a month old and are looking lovely i must say.
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