Well-Known Member
I just finished up cleaning and moving out old equipment and moving some new equipment in preparation for my next grow I learned during my last grow that climate control is very important and my last grow that was a serious issue one minute my temp was 80 next it's pushing 100 degrees and that was with a 400w I felt that my yield could have been better but I pulled about 5-6 oz off 3 plants for this next grow I've ordered a 600 watt cool tube hps I still have to order my mh conversion bulb but I'm pretty sure 1-2 weeks under the hps shouldn't hurt it right? well, back to the topic I'm thinking of getting 2 inline fans (1 to push air out and 1 to push air in) of course 2 carbon filters but I'm not sure on if two is needed basically asking would it be smart to have 1 for intake and 1 for outake? and what can I do to obtain full control of my climate list all the equipment and if you got pics of your grow tent/room let me see them!