So I finally managed to trim all of my Hazy Lady finally. I ended up with 1 oz 20 grams. Not as much as I had hoped, but the buds are very airy. Lots and lots of little 'nuggets' of goodness. I dont think I will supercrop sativas in the future unless they have adequate time to develop lateral branching. Doing it during flowering resulted in lots of little nugs.
The smoke of her is just as good or better than her two sisters. I was quite impressed with her the last two nights of smoking her in J's. The first two times I smoked her was in a bowl, and it just didn't take me to that happy place I like to go, but when I smoked her in joints, thats when I get there. Im starting to notice my buds get me higher in J's than bowls, but I hate the nasty taste of papers. It completely covers any taste I get from the buds. I can't wait to get a vape and give it a go. Ive always had a hard time discerning tastes whether its a joint or bowl. I hope a vape will let me experience what Im missing.
I knew this lady was special two nights ago when I tried to drive home...UB's warning about smoking and driving is one I definitely have to heed with this little lady. I smoked a J of her(.4g) with two buddies, and spent what seemed like 2 hours with the plants watering and feeding, and then I decided to go home. I pull out my phone to check the time and only 45 minutes have passed! Time sure flies when high

Well I get into my car, and put it in reverse and start to back out. Im being extra careful to avoid hitting two cars on my right, but as Im looking out the side/back windows the scene is getting darker, and then brighter, and this would continue as Im backing out. Oddly enough though, Its taking me forever to back out this time, I keep driving backwards, but I dont seem to be going anywhere, and my eyes are still experiencing brightening and darkening of the area. I finally stopped backing up and looked forward to take a break. Thats when I notice my car is in neutral, and I haven't moved an inch. This really threw me for a loop as Ive never had anything like this happen to me before.
I decided to give it another go, and threw the car in reverse, and started to actually back up this time. The brightening and darkening that was happening went away finally. Now it was time to get out of this driveway and head home. Well it took forever to back out of this short drive way. I knew I was moving though this time. Finally I managed to exit the driveway I was in, and when I looked around to drive down the connecting driveway, I noticed I was about 25 feet into the neighbors yard. Uh-oh. I had no memory of driving into their yard at all. I considered just parking their car back in the original driveway and just waiting for the effects to wear off, but Im a trooper and decided to drive home anyways. I quickly got out of the neighbors yard, and drove down the connecting driveway towards the road.
As I was driving out of the driveway into the main road, I would lose track of the ground beneath me and wonder where it went. Only for the road to 'pop' up again in my vision. I ended putting on the brakes so I could stop and try to regain my senses. As I looked around, I was halfway out into the road, obscuring both lanes.. I really feared for my safety at this point. I wasn't sure I could make it home being this messed up, but I was out in the road, so I gave it a try. Thankfully once I started driving, all these distortions/blackouts disappeared and I had a nice enjoyable drive home with the music turned up loud and sounding great.
Oddly enough, when I was inside tending to the plants I didn't have any of these experiences. Weird.
This lady is definitely a keeper. Too bad she takes almost 4 months to flower, but definitely worth it. Ive got about 50 seeds I made from her to search for something even better in the future.
Once she is cured for a month, Ill try to do a smoke report for each of the 3 Skunk Haze ladies. The other two have been curing for a month and 5 days now.
For now though, Ill show a couple pics of her before she was trimmed, and the finished product. Bag appeal is pretty much non-existent, but thats quickly forgotten about when she is smoked.