Full House featuring Uncle Joey. 1200 Watts & 7 strains(Satori, C99xDC, HazexSkunk...

I am seeing weird shit now. Im coming off a high, but as the page loaded, I could see the sentence. "Dave Coulier is a really nice guy!" where Mr. Ganja would be. It was repeated 5 times. Really freaky. Now Its gone.
Here are some Purp plants. The first few are Purp A, and the next half are Purp B. You can really see how much more developed A is over B. Ill make sure to get these ladies in better light next time. Too much shade.

I hate myself for snapping off one of the main tops for Purp A. She's a beautiful plant. Prettiest in the whole tent even with only 3 tops.

Random shot with two dominant colas from a Chunky C on bottom, and two dominant colas of DoubleBubble. Third cola is out of the pic.

Oh and lest I forget. Two of the Skunk Haze were showing a fair N deficiency. I pulled about 12 small lower leaves from one of them. Real pale yellow. Obv N deficiency. I opted to give them a dose of FF Grow Big at 60% strength. Im not gonna wait around on slower organics, so I went for the quick fix. Ill return to organics when I see the N def going away.

Even the skunk haze clones were N deficient too! Its like right on cue they did it. I diluted the 60% solution to 30% and gave all the clones a small feeding.

Two more Chunky ladies had clones placed in there, and the Satori. Plus one more Chunky Cindy that I can't remember which plant it came from.
Man, is flushing a bitch. It takes forever. I just spent the last 6 hours or so flushing plants, and only finished 10 plants I think. And this wasn't even flushing 2x or 3x container size.

I learned it doesnt pay to be lazy when testing PH. This time I did it proper.

Saturate the medium completely before testing PH. It usually took .75-1 gallons in 3 gallon growbags. This gave me a good amount of run off to get a reading.

The run-off told me why Mag was locked out. My ph for the Cunky Cindies all ranged from 5-6. Magnesium gets locked out in that range.

I topdressed some D. Lime to the soil. Anywhere from .5tblspoon to 1tblspoon per gallon of soil to bring it up. then ran another gallon of near neutral water through. Ph immediately shot back up to low 6's to high 6's. On a few I ran another gallon of water through until I got the numbers I wanted. I never had to go past 3 gallons to get a ph I was happy with.

The Satori who shows no signs of Mag deficiency, had a ph in upper 6's, so she just got a gallon of water to herself.

The one Skunk Haze I got to had a ph in low 6's, explaining her early Mag Deficiency. She got a bit of D. Lime too.

Ill keep a close eye on them, and do another run-off test in a week.

Hopefully this means theres no excessive Ca, and the D. Lime is all thats necessary to unlock the Mag, as I hate flushing.

In the meantime, Ive ordered some Chelated Magnesium after my buddy recommended it for foliar feeding. Link is below if anyone is interested.

Foliar Feeding

I also discovered today that my DoubleBubble bagseed is a hermie :(. She's been taken out of the tent. I discovered this when I saw a few seeds forming. The other female bagseed shows no signs yet. Ill keep my fingers crossed this is the last one.

Ill flower one of the two clones of her I have and see if it shows any signs of Herman_Munster_001.jpg.

She'll be placed in the isolation chamber once she gets 3 weeks under her belt. I dont think DB went that early. If you dont who is in that picture, then I either feel sorry for you, or that just means Im getting real old?

The Purple Male has been culled. He has produced ample amounts of pollen, and no need to keep him using up my space. My clone tent is beginning to run out of room.

I was thinking about just turning the tent on its side, and mounting a HO-T5 fixture to the "new top" of the tent. This save me from needing to buy a tent more meant for clones. Id have 36 inches of vert to work with, but bags will take maybe 7 inches of space, then the T5.

Ive yet to use floros. If anyone here is well versed with them, feel free to chime in and give me tips.

When I flushed one of the Skunk Haze, she didn't appear to have any N def signs. I didn't get to look at the other two, but there wasn't alot of leaves on the ground or falling off when I gave those two a quick watering, so I think that'll do em for now. Ill take a closer look when flushing them tomorrow.

The clone skunk hazes and other more sativa varieties got a touch of nute burn from the FFGB at 30%. Yellow tips, or very minor leach scorch. The chunky cindies took it with almost no problems. Next time Ill start at 15%.

I need to move them into the one gallon growbags. They suck the Dixie Cups fairly dry within a day.

Man. Im tired, and this post is a long as hell, so Im gonna call it quits for tonight.
Random update time.

All the males have been culled. Ive ended up with some seeding of my buds. Im not sure if its from me possibly handing the ladies after the males, or from the hermie, but hopefully it wont be too bad. Im gonna have a great pic in a day or two of a place where you'd never imagine seeds ever growing from.

I did lots of super cropping tonight. I bent over the tops of the plants that were on the edges of the tent inwards towards the light to try and get a more even canopy. Skunk Haze E has been having this done to her for awhile now, and she's looking great. She wont have some big huge colas, but lots of smaller mini buds that will likely yield better. I wish she had the lateral branching of one of her other sisters. One of them has branches that are 28 inches long! Thats as tall as my Early Durbans.

I noticed something that surprised me when supercropping. One to 1.5 hours after doing so, I looked at my plants again and many of the fan leaves had actually reoriented themselves towards the light. This wasn't even something I thought about when I started cropping my plants. I couldn't believe how quickly they turned towards the light. Ill get some good pics of that for you all to look at soon.

Resin production is slowly increasing. Its there, but its just hard to see. Its possible the high temps are affecting the trichome size. Temps at canopy were 87 today. Theres just not much I can do when temps are over 90 every damned day. We've been in the middle of a heat wave for more than two weeks now, and temps are going to be in the low 90's again all week. I wish I had bought a stronger AC, but I can't afford to go out and buy a better one, so Ill have to make due for now.

I transplanted my larger clones into one gallon grow bags today. They were generally looking poor. They didn't quite look as good as they did 5-7 days ago when they were smaller. Their younger sisters are looking good, but will probably be transplanted in a week too. I expected it was time to transplant them, and I was correct. Some of them had quite a bit of root circling going on at the bottom. Its kinda hard for roots to absorb water and nutrients when you've got alot of roots just circling the cup. I took a pic with my cell phone as I forgot my camera.


Well thats it for now.
Sounds like you're having alot of fun! Looking good.

Happy 4th my friend!


I definitely enjoy my ladies. Ill enjoy them even more when I finally get to smoke them. That's only about two months away including dry and cure, but Ive become a more patient man as Ive gotten older.

Happy 4th to you as well, and all others. Enjoy those fireworks this year, and dont blow any digits off everyone :)
A few JTR's.

Yep, the first pic is seeds forming at the base of the leaf.


Also, I want to say anyone expecting donkey dicks will surely be disappointed. Many of the strains are mostly Sativa, and the Chunky Cindies male parent is 100% Afghani Indica, but a low yielding one at that. The high heat can't be helping things either.

I have changed the lights to run at night. I wanted to at first, but I was worried about the hours causing problems with caring for them, but I dont have any choice at this point. Hopefully we'll see some weight packing on in a couple of weeks.
Well, Ive visited the ladies and while high I believe I had another insight into my plants. I always have insights while high. Either about my life, life in general, or my grow. I never have these thoughts while straight. And people think MJ makes you stupid. As Fdd says, Bullshit!

I always seem to have problems with watering. Even at this stage. I can't always tell if they want water or not. But I think Ive got it figured out now.

I ran 2-3 gallons of water through each one 3 days ago, and 2 days ago for the remaining plants. I visited the plants each day after and checked their progress.

Day 1: Plants looked great. Barely any lower leaf loss, and no droopy leaves. Over-watering did not occur.

Day 2: Plants were still looking great at the canopy. No droopiness at all. But near the bottom of the plant, droopiness and paleness of the leaves was becoming evident. It could easily be confused for over-watering.

Day 3: Pots were pretty light to the lift. Plants were still looking great at the canopy though, but problems become easily evident as you went further down. Starting at the bottom some of the plants had leave that were completely scorched. These were the same leaves that were droopy and pale the day before. These scorched leaves literally crumbled in my hands when pulled off the skunk hazes(they were flushed 2 days ago!) Yet the branches these leaves were attached to were sorta droopy and limp. Once again easily mistaken for over-watering with how the stems looked.

But then I had my insight! My plants were losing their turgidity or turgor pressure. It was occurring at the bottom and working its way up. My plants were pulling water out of the lower leaves, stems, and branches to move to the canopy where they were most needed. This I knew, but I didn't think about how it affected the pressure within. As water is pulled out of the leaves, there isn't enough left to exert enough pressure to maintain the rigidity of the leaves. So those leaves become limp, but the plants are still moving water out. Once all the water is removed, you get the crunchy, scorched leaves, and branches.

I think a good way to understand turgidity is to think of the leaves as balloons full of air. If I gradually let the air out, there is less pressure and eventually it doesn't have enough pressure to maintain its form. It just becomes limp. Your plants are basically doing this to the leaves when under water stress. Its pulling the water out and moving it upwards in the plant.

Both of these different symptoms were manifesting themselves at the same time, which was confusing me, as one appeared to be a symptom of over-watering(droopiness), and one of under-watering(scorching). Before, when I was experiencing this, I was no doubt diagnosing the wrong problems and of course choosing the wrong solutions to the problem at hand.

DUH dummy! I think I finally get it now. Over-watering and under-watering symptoms are both one in the same. One becomes the other.

If you over-water you drown your roots, and your fine root hairs are the first to die. This is pretty bad, as they do the workload of absorbing water and nutrients. Now you have to rely on the epidermis for water uptake until new root hairs can be regrown. Heaven help you if the roots start to rot if you really over did it. This happened to my JTR male thanks to my friend. It didn't recover, and the clone didn't make it.

If you under-water, the root hairs are again the first to die as they are the most delicate. Eventually the roots will begin to dry out and shrink if not watered immediately. When the roots shrink they lose contact with the soil particles and thus soil solution, and now water absorption becomes even more difficult.

I know this post is going on and on, but hopefully someone is learning something.

Especially those people who think marijuana enjoys cycles of wet/dry for the roots, which is a huge fallacy.

The argument I hear for a drying out period is that "They go in search of water." Ahem. Bullshit.

Your roots dont just sit around and go. "Eh, we got enough water for now. So im not gonna do anything today. Ill just sit around and watch tv all day."

Your roots aren't lazy. They're go-getters. They're growing and looking for more water and more nutrients all the time to fuel growth. The more the roots grow, the greater the growth above ground. The only time they stop growing is because some dummy decided not to water their precious plants.
That could be YOU.

Heres a great read on roots. I haven't read over much of it yet, but its worth reading.


Okay. I think Ill stop going on now.
Oh and grow updates.

I had to stake the remaining purp bagseed. She was beginning to fall sideways. She doesn't have huge buds, but enough to make her lean over.

I also staked a Chunky Cindy. Ive got two that are standing out above the other 4 in terms of yield. They may actually produce some good looking buds.

Resin production is also ramping up. I feel like the choo choo train that could. Almost there.

I think my JTRB will be a really good producer. She's got noticeably thicker buds than her sister, and the mini colas around the main cola are crazy. She was topped for 4 tops, but only ended up really with two. One is about 2/3rd the size of the other. The main cola is looking large and in charge and has 17 mini colas forming around her! I would have gotten a great pic, but I forgot my damned camera again. I can't wait to see how she progresses.

I can't wait to flower out a clone of my super branchy skunk haze. She'd be the ultimate christmas tree if I left her untopped I bet. Hell even topped she'll probably do the same. Some of the Skunk haze clones are nearly 20 inches tall already. They're looking improved two days after going into one gallon growbags. Im sure they are glad to stretch their legs.

I probably will purchase a Quantum T5 floro fixture for the clones and be done with the 400w hps. Ill probably get the 4 foot 6 lamp fixture. Hopefully it'll help improve my temperature problems some.
hello there. i can't believe i just now bothered to check out this thread. really awesome job with everything. you caught my eye with the satori. i am also growing the satori and yes, it IS very slow on the bloom and the smell is not overpowering but nice. mine is just about ready for chop in a week or so. she takes about 11 weeks but she will definately put on weight. but really dude awesome journal. it's put together so well and it's very helpful. i'm subbed and rep to you.

p.s. a bit back you mentioned something about your status saying something about being nice guy. you should hover your mouse over your rep squares. :)
hello there. i can't believe i just now bothered to check out this thread. really awesome job with everything. you caught my eye with the satori. i am also growing the satori and yes, it IS very slow on the bloom and the smell is not overpowering but nice. mine is just about ready for chop in a week or so. she takes about 11 weeks but she will definately put on weight. but really dude awesome journal. it's put together so well and it's very helpful. i'm subbed and rep to you.

p.s. a bit back you mentioned something about your status saying something about being nice guy. you should hover your mouse over your rep squares. :)

Heh. Thanks for clearing up the part about what I saw :)

Im glad you have subbed, and hope you will enjoy yourself here.

Id agree the smell isn't overpowering, but it sure is nice. She's finally began to make some smell, and I cant quite describe it in detail. Just that she's sweet, and maybe a bit floral. Im tempted to pick up another pack of her and hope for more than one female. Maybe Ill try Mandala's Beyond the Brain thats Columbian/Haze x Satori. Too many strains, and not enough space.
Well, I thought Id give an update and thoughts.

A handful of days ago, one of my skunk hazes had grown right below the reflector. Within inches. So I cropped her back down to where I wanted her at the canopy. Then 2 days later I visited them, and wouldn't you know it. This girl had already positioned herself right back to where she was before. She was 2-3 inches below the reflector again. I wish I had gotten good pics of this. Im gonna grab some of her tomorrow night. She'll probably be right back at the reflector.

Ive never used 600's and not quite sure how close is too close, so I try to keep at least 12 inches if they are directly under it. Yet this one girl just can't get enough of that precious light. She wants to hug that damned light bulb. The leaves at the tip of her buds, closet to the light look great. No signs of heat stress, or bleaching. I think Ive found myself a nice way of gauging how far away to keep the reflectors.

Im gonna try and get some pics of this in action over the next few days. Ive ended up cropping her main cola 4 times now I think. I imagine its becoming harder for her to reach back up there after each time, but we'll see with some pics.

Update on the DoubleBubble. She is about to cross the finish line I believe. 75% of her pistils have already turned orange. No real new pistil growth coming from her. I broke out the pocket scope and checked her trichs, and Id say 20% Clear, 75% Cloudy, 5% Amber. Thats in only 36 days! Ill give her another week to see if she puts on some weight, but Im not optimistic. She'll be a low yielder, and unlikely to go purple. Oh well. Hopefully its a good smoke, as Im all out. Im gonna smoke the last of my kief with my buddy tomorrow. She's not very resinous, but looks aren't everything sometimes. Thankfully she's not a full blown hermie at this point. Haven't really noticed any new nanners.
Looking great as always Dave, they sound like affectionate bitches trying to hug the lights... :-) Good stuff...
Okay, here comes some updates and pictures. First off, anyone who reads this journal should probably change their options to load the minimum number of posts unless you have a fast connection. Theres so many pictures in here.

First update: Im jamming to Me So Horny by 2 Live Crew right now. Fucking love it. Woooo.

*Edit. Its now Im never gonna dance again by George Michael.

I got a wide range of music I love. Everything but country and modern rap/hip-hop.

Onto some real updates now.

Day 37 of flowering.

Early Durbans. I think they've been flowering for a month now, but were definitely not sexually mature when put in there, so that has delayed flowering some, but not too bad considering almost all of my other ladies took 21 days before forming buds.
