Full journal of my 1st grow. Indoor aeroponics. Big Bud seeds. 400w HPS/MH


Well-Known Member
2,700 year old marijuana that still looks green?? crap I guess this can be one of the famous long lost strains!!!


Well-Known Member
So, recovery process for the plants is on-going. A couple of them have made great recovery but still not sure on a couple.

I've been keeping my temps down with some extra ventilation I've added to get more cold outside air in. I'm still doing the frozen jugs of water in the res business but that's more for insurance to make sure the water temps are down.

I'll be doing another flush either tonight or tomorrow. Then prolee give them another week or so to recover and plan on going into flowering next weekend. Hope they fill out more between now and then.

Here is my ghetto duct work to get more cold air in (got an 80 cfm fan pulling air in):

Here are the plants:

This one is doing the best of all of them. Lots of new growth since getting root rot and being treated. It's now standing at 7" tall.

This is 'Shortbus'. It's also started to take off finally after being the runt the whole grow so far.

This is the original 'All-star' and it's not doing so great. The new leaves are very slow to come in and they are very narrow and not healthy looking:

Same with this plant:

Group shot:



Active Member
I would like to see what happens. Your setup looks nice, good nutes, But not very big for being 30days since seed.

I am staying tuned.


Well-Known Member
There gonna explode when ya flower i know it i cant wait to see some buds!!! Check out my second grow attempt.


Well-Known Member
I am going to flush tonight and then give them another week on 1/2 veg nutes and 18/6 before sending them into flower.

I hope they blow up!

The 2 remaining Big Bud seeds I had have germinated and broke ground this weekend. I'll be sticking those in Fox Forest Ocean Forest soil for comparison. Might start a new journal for those just to keep things separate.



Well-Known Member
Excellent tutorial bro!
Thanks! I figure I'll try to document all my mistakes so far so that anyone starting out with aero can hopefully avoid them. I know I've learned my lessons!

My biggest problems so far have been:
  1. Starting nutes waaay too early
  2. Not being able to keep my res temps down bellow 70F
  3. Ineffectively battling the high pH levels at the start of the grow

Thanks for tunning in! I'm hoping this grow takes a turn for the better and the plants recover enough for me to put them through flowering and actually harvest something worth smoking!



Well-Known Member
Well, the plants are still recovering. So far the best ones are the tall one and the 'shortbus' really took off.

3 of the plants including the original all-star are not doing so hot. Not sure if they will pull through, but no reason to yank them yet. I'll post some more pics tonight.

On the side note, the 2 other Big Bud seeds I had have germinated and are doing well in soil. I'll be starting another grow journal with them and the new Dutch Passion feminized Blueberry seeds I ordered the other day. Can't wait for them to get here!



Well-Known Member
crap man that sucks that bad ehh for the 3? Hey there might be a solution to our rez temp issues by not running the pump 24/7 by getting a cycle timer like this http://www.herpmist.com/repeat.shtml CAP ART-DNe timer i have seen them on ebay for like $90, and on another grow this dude is running one 1 minute on and 5 min off https://www.rollitup.org/hydroponics-aeroponics/116859-harvest-pound-every-three-weeks-4.html I might get 1 and try it out. would be alot cheaper than getting a aquarium water chiller.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, i got some blueberry seeds also actually i went a little over board and ordered a bunch a while ago, BB, bubblegum, Top44, Masterkush, GH Trainwreck, GH lemon skunk and maybe something else i forgot.


Well-Known Member
crap man that sucks that bad ehh for the 3?
Yeah, not looking great. Checked out the roots this morning and the 2 plants that are doing ok are showing brand new bright white roots shooting out from the net basket and the other plants are still there with their crap brown roots. They haven't shown any signs of growth at all in the past week or 2.

Not sure what I can do with them and if even chopping the tops and cloning would be an option. Oh well, you gotta learn somehow!

Hey there might be a solution to our rez temp issues by not running the pump 24/7 by getting a cycle timer like this http://www.herpmist.com/repeat.shtml CAP ART-DNe timer i have seen them on ebay for like $90, and on another grow this dude is running one 1 minute on and 5 min off https://www.rollitup.org/hydroponics-aeroponics/116859-harvest-pound-every-three-weeks-4.html I might get 1 and try it out. would be alot cheaper than getting a aquarium water chiller.
You know, I've thought of trying that timed pump trick before, don't know why I didn't. I'm very interested in hearing if that helps.

My buddy is really big into aquariums and fish and told me that his pumps do warm up the water quite a bit in his tanks. I'm still able to keep the res temps down low enough with freezing outside air coming in and frozen jugs of water, but if the timed pump thing works, that would make things easier.



Well-Known Member
Yeah, i got some blueberry seeds also actually i went a little over board and ordered a bunch a while ago, BB, bubblegum, Top44, Masterkush, GH Trainwreck, GH lemon skunk and maybe something else i forgot.
Shopping for seeds is one of my favorite new activities! Easy to get carried away.

Just wish I could put seed strains on my x-mas list!!!



Well-Known Member
yeah, its easy to get carried away with ordering seeds i know i did. Lets see some pics!! And i did order that cycle timer.


Well-Known Member
So, I think it's going to be down to just 2 plants for me. I'm losing hope that the other 3 are going to recover...you can judge by the pics bellow.

I'm not quite sure what to do with the ones I just don't see pulling though. I'm keeping them in there to give them a fighting chance, but I was wondering if I could chop their tops and clone them? Any advice with this would be helpful!

2 of the plants are doing surprisingly well now. Showing new white root growth and one is already 9" tall..the other one was the original runt of the group but is catching up quickly at 6".


best looking and tallest plant out of the bunch:

and it's new root growth (contrasts well with the old crappy roots):

the original grunt:


the following 2 shots are of 2 plants i'm pretty sure won't pull through. they haven't grown a bit in almost 2 weeks:
