Full LED grow room/aeroponic system. first attemp

LEDS are worse then cfls what a poor way to grow you might as well use a regular incadesent light. You need to remember you need lumens not the color of the light
LEDS are worse then cfls what a poor way to grow you might as well use a regular incadesent light. You need to remember you need lumens not the color of the light

You should read your shit before you post. Not only are LED's in the perfect color spectrum for plants (Which is VERY important) they also put out more lumens per watt than any other light. 125watt LED grow lamps are the equivalent of a 400w and are said to produce better results.
Shit medicalgrow420, Thanks for reminding me now about lumens and light color and all that stuff. Good thing you came around now that I'm 2 1/2 months into the grow!
Uummmm, did you not read any of the rest of my journal? This is an experiment. Please dont insult my intelligence by telling me about incandescent lights and lumens and shit. If it was just colors I cared about, I'd finger paint my grow room walls, lol. I'm doing this to satisfy my own curiosity and others on this site about the viability of commonly available LED's. There are alot of curious people on here as far as LED's are concerned, including the noob's too. Performance/economy/finished product and ease of use are just a few of our questions. If this grow doesn't work or produce well (and I dont give a shit if it does, thats why I'm not trying to grow 25 plants under them, its an experiment), perhaps it will be good for them to know its not a good idea to run out and spend hundreds of dollars on LED's right now. If I wanted a pound of weed, I'd use one of my other lights, which ill be setting up anyway next month.
Anyway, thanks for stopping by, enjoy the rest of the show if you care to.

These are for when I give a shit about Lumens and crap.


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hell yea thunder. this is a great experiment... and even if it doesn't produce a lot those leds don't take much power so when you have the big lights going you can always get some more light down below and along side you plants with these leds you used this time around
Thanks Revolution101. I am going to be using all these LED's on my next experiment with a 400HPS, i think. Should be lots more fun (and bud probably, hahaa)
And rep me back ya bastard, lmao

And to quote my good friend BIGSIX, medicalgrow420, you probably think if you poop in your hydro res. you dont need to buy nutes

And now that I've read you "opinion" a couple more times, I'm a little pissed off. First of all, I know you haven't read any of my thread, or you would have known its an experiment. Second of all, who's to say they're worse than CFL's? How many? What wattage? How many plants per light or lights per plant, finished weight, quality? Fucking pay attention. And as far as incandescent lights/lumens and colors go, why dont i shove a 100W incandescent bulb up your ass and grow a few plants that way, not many lumens and the light would be reddish brown (maybe a good spectrum for the weed you may be used to smoking), and tie you to a fuckin chair and shotgun you a joint of the shit? I bet it would be the best weed you've ever smoked or grown, that is if you've done either before.

Thanks for coming by, its nice to have a dumbass come around every now and then so I can creatively vent.
Well, seeing as I'm on here anyway and its been 2 days since the last one, I guess I'll fill ya all in again with a progress report, lol

Room temp- 20.5*C
Rez temp-20*C
R.H. 52%
Nutes@70% DNF A&B Bloom
Water cycle-7-8 days

First 3 pics i didn't use a flash so you can trip out to the real color in there, heheeee.


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im 9 days into flower now. i noticed during veg that the plants grow a little slower under these though. Might be the same for budding, we'll see
might not be going that fast but they are going strong and steady. I'm pretty sure you'll be able to pull at least a descent yield.

fuck I'm baked,,,
RE: Thunderchunkie,
I have viewed your journal, and I must say your set-up is quite impressive. I have had experince with LED's and I would hate to see the time, effort and money you spent go to vain.
Therefore, I will throw some facts at you that may aid you in your endeavors:
NASA were the ones to first make public the use of LED's for plant growth, now you probably heard the hype and so have many....
Has anybody wondered why the heck NASA would give a $@#! about plants???
There are two reasons:
The first is space food is obviously garbage, but more importantly food needs to be brought with the astronauts to space this inturn adds additional cargo weight (something they want to avoid obviously) and especially for long missions that can last upto 6 months (just imagine how much food that would be in a space shuttle with 4 astronauts) so obviously growing plants in space would reduce the initial cargo weight and develop an alternative, the second reason is they wanted to experiment with the zero gravity of space and plant growth, so to do so they would require a light source (they can't use the sun because of the unfiltered solar radiation UV-A, B and C which will kill plants)
Also they could not use an HPS's MH's or CFL's simply because they consume too much power from the space shuttle-therefore VOILA! LED's were the prime candidates.
Now I assume everyone is still wondering what the &*^! this has to do with growing???
It's simple, LED's were intially used to save power NOT to yield maximum results..which I assume is every grower's mission- to grow the best bud.
However, LED's have one good thing they emitt the perfect wavelengths that the plants need. Going into chemistry, the sole purpose of the color spectrum in growing is that certain wavelengths make the plant send a chemical signal to initiate certain types of growth...these chemicals are called Chlorophile A and Chlorophile B...Ideally, Chlorophile A needs 400-430nm (nm=nanometers) of blue light and 650-670nm of red light. Whereas, Chlorophile B needs 420-470nm of blue light and 620-670nm of red light. Theoretcially, if your were to give the plants all of the wavelenghts I mentioned above they would grow like mutants. Now that you know about LED's and how they effect plant growth I can move on to the misconceptions.
I have experience with 5mm LED's (like the ones you're using on your PAR lights and boards). Simple rules of botany and photosynthesis tells us that in order for light to penetrate the plant's epidermis (the plants outer layer kinda like a skin) it has to be of a certain intensity. Obviously the higher the lumens the higher the intensity. Unfortunately Thunderchunkie, the 5mm LED's you're using may be cheaper, but just dont cut it if your gonna use them exclusively- unless if your not looking for excellent growth and yield (which I doubt). This is why the boards and PAR bulbs you bought are so much cheaper than the LED UFO... The reason why the UFO is so popular and expenisve is that they use eighty 1WATT LED's that boast 100+ lumens per watt wheres as 5mm LED's are barely .04 WATTS each and have almost half the lumen/watt output!!!! Now Thunderchunkie I aint tryin to put you down- your setup is awesome. I just dont want you to end the same way I did, with eratic fluffy buds (less than 1.5oz per plant).
The only suggestions I would have at this stage in your operation is that you add one of those high powered lights you showed us earlier ontop of your plants ASAP...otherwise you'll get a weak yield... Another way to jump start your slow growth is to add CO2...if the CO2 option is too expensive or time consuming the other option I can give you is Hydrogen Peroxide. Now my formula does wonders and its simple: go to any store grab a hydrogen peroxide bottle 3% solution (dont worry about mixing your own from a 35% solution- all those other places that tell you its better dont knw what they're talking about) My formula is simple: add 3.2 - 3.4 ml of hydrogen peroxide to every 1L of water... WHEN EXPERIMENTING NEVER GO OVER 4ML/LITRE-TRUST ME I KNOW....Now for all you skeptics Ill explain the chemistry behind it, hydrogen peroxide (H202) has a radical oxygen atom (means a very reactive extra oxgen atom) this radical oxygen atom holds a negative charge you can say it is almost ionized this makes this atom especially attracted to other oxygen atoms and organic molecules, this attraction makes the radical oxygen atoms combine with organic matter or other oxygen atoms (you can experiment with this when you put drop of hydrogen peroxide on an open wound- you'll see it react and start fizzing and bubbling)... So because Thunderchunkie is using an aeroponic system, there's nothing else organic to get in the way of the oxygen atoms from attaching themselves to the roots of his plants (unless if there is organic matter in your nutrients-which does not render it useless but just less intense) - giving them the added kick in growth they need.
To conclude, with regards to your experiment I think it's a great source for any young and upcoming grower to get a greater insight on LED growing. Unfortunately, from my experience with LED's I can assure you that you'll end up with a weak yield. If you added more 1+WATT LED's (judging from how many plants you have I would say you needed atleast 20-40 extra) and put them really close to your plants, then I think it would be safe to say you'll get some excellent results confirming your experiment and also the "greatness" of LED's. Otherwise, adding high power lights (HPS or MH) and C02 or Hydrogen Peroxide, is the only thing you'll need to grow some fat buds!!!

Best of Luck,
Canniboid Alchemist

THIS MESSAGE IS STRICTLY FOR pigs, jhonny law's, pork patrols, DEA, RCMP, local corrupted police officers, popo, pussy's with a legal gun and badge, any law enforcement agencies, agents, or contractors, rats, snitches or affiliates:
Everything I have mentioned above is all just lies that I decided to fabricate solely for the purpose of entertainment. Thank You For Watching...P.S. do us all a favor and go commit suicide
sigh.....canniboid.alchemist, lol

i sure didn't need to read that with this hangover lol. thanks for the info. yes, i do have a CO2 setup, you just dont see it in my pics, but im doing it by hand a few times per day when the lights are on. thats something i forgot to mention in my journal.

im not seeing this grow as a waste of time/effort and money. im doing this one out of curiosity and for fun. im a nosy bastard sometimes and this grow is almost like a hobby for me. i dont really care what kind of yield i will get form them. it wont be any loss to me if i get none. another reason im doing this grow with LED's only is, if it doesn't produce squat it will discourage most of the younger gen. of growers or noob's on here from going out and spending a whack of money on lights that wont do anything for them. theres too much curiosity for all of us to run right out and buy a shitload of them, so im doing this to hopefully SAVE everyone else some time/effort and money, hehe. I'm trying to help out my fellow greenies, hahaa.

I didn't post this to come down on you just as im sure you didn't post in here to rain on my parade either. I'm going to continue on with this grow at least until i see another journal with the same setup completed from start to finish. if that so happens before im done, then maybe ill throw up my 1000W and try to salvage some,. lol.
MAN wish you nice and healty plants!!i just wondering what is final rezult of this lLEDs grow.:joint::joint::joint:
Quite an informative post. I'm still curious what kind of yields you'll get from just these LEDs. Keep up the good growing, I'm off to buy some hydrogen peroxide.:mrgreen:
Well, lights just came on so i took some pics and checked everything out. lookin sweet, very green and smelly, haha.

Room temp-21*C
Rez temp-20*C
Light cycle-12/12
Flush-7-8 days (next on Wednesday)
Nutes-DNF A&B Bloom@ 70%


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All I have to say is.... too bad there isn't more people like you out there.... Heck if you ever need any help understanding any form of science growing related or experiment with kick-ass chemist made nutrient formulas I'd be glad to assist you.

P.S. Im right around the corner from you (generally speaking)