Full Moon Scrog +


Well-Known Member
She is looking mostly good, but she has some brown spots on her lower fan leaves. I think it might be some kind of nutrient deficiency but I'm not really sure. I doubt it is nute burn because I have not given her too much, and I think that only starts on the leave tips, and then works it way in. My soil Ph is a little high 7.7 but not so high to cause alarm at this time. My temps are about 75*F during the day, but at night it will drop to about 63-65*F. I know that is right on the edge of being too cold, but I still don't think that that would cause the brown spots. That is why I am leaning more towards a nutrient deficiency! I'm open for suggestions on this matter!! Do you think that I should try to flush her??
Anyways here are a few pics!



Well-Known Member
I will not be keeping a journal of this grow, but I will post up some pics once in a wile. I have already started 8 seeds, three of them are regular Aurora Indica seeds (I'm hoping for one female to make a mother plant). And the other 5 seedlings are my own home grown seeds that I am calling "Skunky Papaya". I got about 30 seeds off of a bomb ass Feminized Papaya plant, that was mistakenly pollinated by a Feminized Super Skunk plant. I think the seeds will be feminized too, that is why I planted 5, so I can see what happens. Here are the pics they are about 5 days old, I was surprised that after 3 days every single seed had sprouted, so we are off to a good start. :weed:



Active Member
Nice... Hope those 'Skunky Papaya' seeds are all female. That in it self is a treat, not having to purchase some for a while. Unless of course your striving for different varieties.


Active Member
where did you get the green screenshelf for the scrog? mmmmmmmmmm skunk papaya!
If my memory serves me correct I think Wolfscott said he had it laying around at his crib on his Aurora Indica Scrog journal.... And then somewhere on the journal he had a link to ebay? that was the same thing..... That's if my memory serves me correct.


Well-Known Member
It has now been 6 weeks flowering and I seriously doubt that it will go the full 11-13 weeks that it says on Nirvanas web site. It is looking more like 8-9 weeks to me. But something did go wrong, I'm not exactly sure what it was, possibly nute burn, or some kind of nutrient deficiency. The Fan leaves started to burn starting with spots on the inside of the leaves and working there way out. I did do a real good flush and then I only put a little fertilizer in it, but it is still getting worse.
The buds look great though, and they are now really starting to bulk up! It looks like I'll get about 1 or 1 1/2 oz off of her maybe more, and the weed looks and smells killer, so I am still going to be happy with this grow!!



Well-Known Member
Damn, lookin' good.... How would you describe the smell of the Full Moon?
I'm not good at describing smell but here goes! Take into consideration that I live in my grow room, so it is hard for me to actually smell my plants because I'm in here for most of the day and all of the night! When I leave my house for a few hours, it is when I return that I cam smell her best, but right now I am having a hard time getting a smell out of her! I'll update on the smell later on tonight after I return form walking my dog!


Well-Known Member
It has now been 6 weeks flowering and I seriously doubt that it will go the full 11-13 weeks that it says on Nirvanas web site. It is looking more like 8-9 weeks to me. But something did go wrong, I'm not exactly sure what it was, possibly nute burn, or some kind of nutrient deficiency. The Fan leaves started to burn starting with spots on the inside of the leaves and working there way out. I did do a real good flush and then I only put a little fertilizer in it, but it is still getting worse.
The buds look great though, and they are now really starting to bulk up! It looks like I'll get about 1 or 1 1/2 oz off of her maybe more, and the weed looks and smells killer, so I am still going to be happy with this grow!!
niiiiice mann. lookin good!! glad i ca see what i have 2 look forward to! =D u gotta check out my journal.. im ognna post up sum pics wen i get bak.. well... i gotta take the pics.. then post them up.. im about 5 weeks in.. still no red/orange hairs yet.. ill look more thouroughly 2day wen i take them out for pics.. but i kno wat u mean about the smell.. the smell is AMAZINGGG!!! i LOVE it!! mines getting HUGE tho.. its almsot too big! lol. gonna be a BIG yielder!! thinkin like 3 ounces maybe.. but we'll seeeee. but yea i love the pics.. the buds look great!! keep up the great work man.


Well-Known Member
She looks ready to me, I plan on harvesting this Saturday night. I flowered her only 8 weeks, I know this Sativa Strain is supposed to flower for 11 weeks, but she is for sure ready now. I did trim off one tester bud last night, and I'll let you know how it is in 3-4 days. Enjoy the pics



Well-Known Member
whooohooo. lookin good man. mine is 1 week behind urs. =) orange hairs are finally showin up on the top buds now as well.. not just the lower buds. they are showin up fast now. i notice a bunch of new ones everyday. this full moon plant (in my opinion) is ALOT like the white widow i grew b4.. well as far as the way its growing and the smell.. once i smoke it tho. i feel like ill notice a difference. =) anywayz man keep it up. cant wait to see the harvest pics!! hopin u get a nice yield off her. mines pretty fuckin big.. im hopin for about 3 ounces.. we'll seeeeeee. how does urs smell?? like fruity pebbles? lol. thats wat mine smells like