Full Range Canna Terra Grow To Show?


Active Member
Definitely going to to buy the full range of canna terra for my soil grow.

Anyone gots an example of their grow using the full range? i would love to see.

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Don't use only one brand of fertilizer. Mix it up a bit. Both your plants and the forum people who'd be diagnosing your plants' ailments will thank you.


Active Member
what would you recommend?

im trying to keep it simple as possible.. that is why i wanted to see a full canna range result..

i've only thought of over-drive from AN for the last weeks.. I'm a simple hobbyist, used to just using water and only two types of fert for veg and flower..

i'm looking into canna's terra vega and flores, their canna boost, rhizotonic, cannazyme and PK 13/14... alongside over drive.. surely using that whole range on a grow anyone or thing would be thankful?


Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Sorry for not replying earlier.

Imo the best types of fertilizer include Worm Castings, Bat & Seabird Guanos, Bone Meal, Blood Meal, Kelp Meal, Maxicrop soluble seaweed powder (1-0-4), Palm Bunch Ash (0-0-30) and Fish Emulsion/Hydrolyzed Fish.


Well-Known Member
Im using canna coco.... Im getting great results with just

Canna coco a+b
Canna coco rhizotonic 35ml/gal just mist plants

For flowering I am going to use

Canna coco boost

If ur stems are thick enough to support your yield,... You wont really need pk 13 14
Im not too sure about the canna zym... But then again I am growing in coco and results may be different


Well-Known Member
I used the bio line with rhizo, cannazym, and pk last year with great results. Search my posts for pics.