The girls did more than half of their veg cycle under CFL’s. CFL’s were also used in the last two weeks or so to get more light on the BB plants on the left side of the cabinet. The fixture was slightly centered to the right side.
First attempt at SCROG, and first grow in 15 years. In the past had used large HPS and MH lighting. When the grow was started it was not intended to be SCROG but due to stretch and not flowering as fast as hoped it became obvious it was worth trying.
Some website selling Barney’s seeds had what was probably a typo in that it had listed "8 Ball Kush" as being a low THC / high CBD strain. This is probably incorrect, just a marketing ploy. All of the other sites selling the strain claim it is very high THC 18.5 - 20.+ % with virtually no CBD. Who knows...
All sites selling the strain claim it is 100% Indica from Afghan / Pakistan origin.
Seeds were purchased for medical reasons to treat nerve pain and muscle spasms. This user doesn't enjoy most strains because of anxiety induced by them.
Whatever the case, it is surprisingly enjoyable in the couch lock sense. No paranoia or anxiety. Maybe there was a time when adding some finger hash made from it to a bowl of it there was an incident where laughter at “who flipped the album from side three to side four? , the dog? oh, that’s right, we are watching the song on youtube…
A couple of people have mentioned it is “exactly what I want” (in pot). It relieves joint pain and muscle spasm remarkably well. It’s really the only kind I can tolerate. All of the varieties I’ve tried with a small amount of Sativa result in paranoia and anxiety. All chill.
Everyone is different.
They sent a couple of Blueberry seeds as well. They had some crazy inter node stretch early on and that made me move them to the side to make it easier to manage them. The first picture of plants has them on the right side, they were moved to the left.
Haven’t sampled any of the BB yet, enjoying the Kush.
Yield was surprisingly high given how lazy the grower was. At first didn’t think the LED’s were going to work well. Comparisons to “as good as” HPS isn’t that encouraging. Really, you are just trying to do “as good as?” - not better? Almost ditched the LED's in favor of a 600w HPS and 7,000K HM conversion bulb for veg and the last week, but decided to stick with it... plus the work of venting a hood and lazy factor

No plans to try growing anything other than food in the cabinet, lettuce, etc. but based on experience would say if one is growing herb, go ahead and get the far red led’s and use them at lights out time for 5-10 minutes. One bar used in this “cabinet grow” but would make two. May consider some 10,000K / UVB light for last two weeks of flowering.
The bar was placed in the back of the cabinet and it didn’t reach the flowers at the front of the cabinet, especially those tied to the canopy and under leaves. There is a photo of a branch which was treated to go hermaphrodite for pollen collection. It did not get long enough of a night cycle to product until the last week. A red florescent placed next to the branch didn't seem to help. Eventually the red light bar was moved and used at lights-out to help the little guy finish off.
The lack of green in the dried herb is due to the experimental curing method made necessary. Had to leave town a week after harvest. Since everything was so dense there was a serious concern about mold destroying everything when away for a week. That plus the issue of odor.
No idea if the following really works, but it’s what was done.
By the weekend after Easter, everything had been trimmed and placed in mason jars. The jars were stored warm, in the upper 90’s F for three days in an attempt to hurry the breakdown of chlorophyl. Wrapped in a heating pad, then the jars had lids loosened and spent one day in a box with a blanket over it. That’s where it got it’s brown. For the week away traveling, a screen was put on one of the shelves with all of the trimmed buds removed from jars and placed on the screen. The recirculating carbon filter kept enough air moving to make it dry faster and control odor. Upon returning, the screen was moved outdoors where it was very damp with fog in morning and temps below dew point every night. The buds quickly absorbed moisture back over three days. They were loaded into mason jars once again but this time with a paper towel in place of the jar “lid” so they could breath and an eye could be kept on them for fungus. They remained in the jars for an additional two weeks before being removed, weighed and placed in new jars with real lids. They will be purged with inert gas then refrigerated. (Is the inert gas a bad idea? The buds are dry.)
The pictures will appear in order. You can see towards the end - the last week - fan leaves were removed first. Then the Kush harvested first, starting in the middle working to the right. The BB harvested last.