Full spectrum question?


Well-Known Member
Is there a noticeable difference in yield or quality if you were use the full light spectrum (MH and HPS) vs. just HPS lighting during flowering?


Active Member
Doubt it, since HPS is supposed to be best. My guess is there's a base line of spectrum emmisions, and MH or HPS just accentuate that with additional blue/red spectrum lumens.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
if u r runing a 1000 wt. hps w/ red sect. then a 400 wt. mh blue spect. would work great


Well-Known Member
I was thinking more along the lines of a 400 wt hps and a couple of 70 wt MH. I guess my question is, how much would having the full spectrum help improve the quality or the yield?

I would be growing just for personal use and I just want to go all out and combine as many tricks as possible in one grow just to find out what you could actually grow given the most ridiculous circumstances. There would definitely be ScrOG and aeroponics involved with this grow, as well as CO2 and maybe a few other tricks that I have up my sleeves.
:joint::mrgreen: :peace::hump:


Well-Known Member
mh and hps both combined gives a great stimulation of real sunlight.

im not sure about added yield....but the taste/quality might improve. reason being, mh gives off more UVb rays than hps. UVb rays are known to increase tastier more thc resins all kinda good shit. Uvb can bring out some pretty colors as well!


Well-Known Member
fasho. some people will swear mh is only for veg and hps is only for hps. its all bullshit.

i know people who veg and flower with mh, i know people who veg and flower with hps.

i know people who flower with both spectrums