Fumble's First Grow


Well-Known Member
i got 4 clones, but i was hella stoned dont remember names to faces. i probly met an smoked with u but cant remember. screen name name tags would have helped me a bunch haha. i was chillin next to the woman that went to grab them right as i was headin out. they had that little tupperware with hella weed n goodies in ther. i think they wer the only others with a bong besides me


Well-Known Member
Morning Fumble, Nice to see and meet both you and your BF, oops almost forgot and Lexi. Happy Holidays to you all.


Well-Known Member
Mugan! The cooking is going great! I love it. The growing, not doing so well. I discovered Sat morning that I have mites in the tops of my GR and the Chem KMK gave me. I just can't get a break in that room. I need to get that Azatrol JJ uses. It is all in the learning process - just some of us it takes longer! lol

Hodge, it was great to finally meet you. Love the wife, she is hella cool - and OG! Happy Holidays to you and yours as well. Lexi gives a big ol kiss.


Well-Known Member
i hate spidy mites, herd its better to be preventative with them fuckers cuz there relentless


Well-Known Member
ive had beter success with damn mites than PM. hot shots vapor release and or aza max murders mites and gnats like its cool!!!

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
Mugan! The cooking is going great! I love it. The growing, not doing so well. I discovered Sat morning that I have mites in the tops of my GR and the Chem KMK gave me. I just can't get a break in that room. I need to get that Azatrol JJ uses. It is all in the learning process - just some of us it takes longer! lol

Hodge, it was great to finally meet you. Love the wife, she is hella cool - and OG! Happy Holidays to you and yours as well. Lexi gives a big ol kiss.
damn! that sucks. how did you just get mites????


Well-Known Member
Man, I have no idea! Could be from the vent intake, or just from going in and out of the room. I don't know. I got the pm infected chocolope out of there, and that was the only new thing introduced. EFFFF man! Is it April yet?


Well-Known Member
Ok fumblez, since you have seen my plants .. and you know they got no pm no spidy mites
al let you kno my secret, well really not a secret but what eva, so i grow in the bushes.. like straight up forest lolz, and this makes for a perfect home for almost every pest you can think of. i got every thing from moles to pm aphids blight i mean name it i got it. but all my veggies and Mj (the zuks are an exeption am the one that fucked up :( ) .
well the idea is not to kill the pests, cuz for example spidy mites . they have a rep for there resistance . and using straight up poison to killem will only make em stronger ( you can google that BTW)
you have to make your plant undesirable, how do you do that .. well some choices are , neem oil/extract baking soda, dish soap, sulfur (garlic pepper and onions) ive herd of ppl using cinnamon as well
so the soap and the baking soda are mostly for Pm and any other fungai u run into, basically they make it impossible for the spores to grow, but since there is unlimited Pm spores outside you have to do it daily, You have to take advantage of Pm's weakness which is, it needs a perfect environment , high humidity (but not wet) perfect temp range and perfect Ph , so the baking soda actually changes the Ph of the leaves drastically making the environment un fit. but again you have to do it every morning when there is high humidity outside, this works so well some people i kno swear that even just drenching the leaves in the morning with just water will make pm un able to grow on your leaves during the time when it can. when the sun is out Especially in a green house or under rain stoppers the temp get high and pm literally dies when leaf temp is 95 f or above . so morning and fogy days are the bad days.

ok spidy mites, same deal you can't kill them all so, the idea is to make your plant un fit to live on. but un like pm a simple Ph change will not mess with mites. you need sulfr . its dangerously poisonous to them so they can't eat any thing thats high in sulfur so when you spray down your leaves they either starve to death or leave, and the eggs that come after also can't stay so your plant stays mite less

this is only out doors tho i get why ppl use chemicals indoors cuz once you nuke the place there is no where else for the pests to come from exept maybe you or your tools .
this will also save you the cost of the poisons , and also take into consideration unlike indoor where you only need nuke every once in a while out door you have to do it all the time and you have to smoke this shit after so... who wants to be smoking sionide or arsenic or any thing even closely related .

any way you can try this and if it don't work you can keep buying stuff

the mixes are a lil like this

for Pm 1ts Baking soda (and if you really got it every where like me you can add 1ts (liquid dish soap ) to every 1 gall

mites Pepper,garlic,onions/cinnamon. you boil it and use the water (when it cools lolz) and that gives you lots of sulfur also the chemical that makes chilli peppers hot also is a pest deterrent (that's why peppers don't ever get any thing ) and again if you think its not enough you can ad 1ts of dish soap to every gallon of the boiled stuff for extra umff

WARNING!! Baking soda and dish soap burn your leaves if there too concentrated, and every plant has a diff sensitivity ( not just species even strains) so the first time you make any of them with baking powder or soap make sure you spray a leaf the day before to check how it responds.

with the neem oil the main pest deterrent is not sulfur and i don't dabble with it much cuz it takes too long but you can get that info some where else LOL :)

(and if you made it this far sorry for the long rant ) ;) )


Well-Known Member
great post mugan, good inof! i like that we can use organic stuff. ima get more into that as i get beter an more skilled.

good rant mugan, those long posts take time and focus, and we thank you!


Well-Known Member
haha thx :) , but am not hating on chems its just when your outside they don't make too much sense , well at least to me ;)


Well-Known Member
Killer post Mugan. Thank you so much. I love the organic remedies. Not hating on chems either, just would rather be natural. Besides the fact that these items cost practically nothing. Fits my wallet perfect.

With the sulfur mix, could that be used as a soil drench as well? Would that make it more deter-able? I am so glad you posted this. I know you posted your recipes before, but honestly, it would spin my head trying to dig back and find it. The one I am remembering had to do with milk?

Got Damn man! You can post an effing book on my thread any time. Thank you.


Well-Known Member
haha, i drench my soil with it all the time (since my soil is also home made) its not sterile, and a friend of mine saw the thread and asked that i let you kno that the more you boil the more goodies you loose . so you should take it slow and the first sing of boiling take it off and leave it covered up for a while after.. its controversial :) you can do what you think is good for ya . i know you good with the extracts and stuff


Well-Known Member
Cool Mugan, thanks. Ima gonna be buying some onions and garlic as soon as I pick up my edible consignment. I will be careful with the boil and let it steep for a while.


Well-Known Member
FUMBLE........why havent I been here yet??? I am soooooo sorry for not subbing earlier!!!! I am here now and happy to be here!!! Hope all is well with you this great New Years!!!




Well-Known Member
HAHa! BKB! I almost forgot I had a thread. lol. Glad to have you. Now I just need to post something for you to look at.