Functional Stoners


Active Member
I love herbs way too much, its just the thing that makes me smile and make my day just better, I'm usually hitting my bong 20 times a day and i have parents a job and everything but people dont know that im high im just functional when im high to the point i can do anything high and seem to live like that. Alot of friends i have dont even know i smoke weed, my family some members know some have no idea, and its just my passion, pretty crazy
Anyone else out there like that, any function stoners?


Active Member
yeah i have s imilar story, me and my brother who is a little younger then me smoke atleast 3 or 4 times a day everyday but my parents only know i smoke and unless we tell people no one knows we smoke or are high most of the time.


lol I don't know if functional stoners is the right term to use mate but I definitely get what your saying. I love getting high multiple times a day and I'm not a patient of any sort. I work a 35hr a week job and there is nothing I love more than coming home to some "Buckies" (Gravity bong) The herb is beneficial to all!
pretty functional when im high I smoke everyday (usually at night). But I do smoke during the day and go to smoke seshs but I also can do almost anything high. I love driving at night since my car has an exhaust, I turn some smoking tunes on and cruise out on the back roads in my small town. My parents now I smoke but no one else in my family knows or theyd kill me. I have really laid back parents who are and were stoners.


Well-Known Member
when i have smoke i smoke before work and sometimes at work, and all afternoon till i go to bed. i can do anything high as i can do sober. but thats because ive been smokin over 10 years and i think that has a lot to do with it. but yea smoking doesnt affect anything i do. my mom used to smoke and grow and my whole family are responsible smokers or irresponsible drunks so yeah i dont have to worry about family i just have to worry about running out


Well-Known Member
I do differential equations stoned .... I would call that functional stoner. it makes me not think as much so i end up going with my first instinct which is right most of the time.


Well-Known Member
Ehhhhhhhh.. Depends. I had it pretty good going for about to years, no one knew except for my friends, then EVERYONE knew because I kept getting myself in family trouble. Now everyone knows my friends, most co workers.. Lol I don;t even really care. Im not the most functional stoner xD I fall over shit, make messes a lot, always end up cleaning them up the next day though. No cleaning to waste my high >:) Actually, sometimes I clean A LOT when I'm high.. I guess sit jut depends on the weed
It always makes me super productive when I smoke. It makes me a clean freak so I'll go on a cleaning binge lol plus I workout almost everyday and I do well in school. Not exactly youre typical stoner


Active Member
i have smoked heavy for ten years and i am very functional. i am probably less functional when im not high because i have a better attitude and outlook on things when i am...


Active Member
I'm not stoned all the time and I don't really want to be, but I'm willing to bet that if I just got baked like constantly I'd be pretty damn functional.