Fungus gnat problem! help?

i went and got me some dunks, there soaking in my water barrels now.ive also been useing some organtic spray from wal-mart and its not working yet either so i hope these dunks work. when i take the bottom off i see little white bugs running there asses off , but i dont see anything flying. any ideals what i might have
i went and got me some dunks, there soaking in my water barrels now.ive also been useing some organtic spray from wal-mart and its not working yet either so i hope these dunks work. when i take the bottom off i see little white bugs running there asses off , but i dont see anything flying. any ideals what i might have

Do they jump when you blow on them or startle them?

Are they quite fast?

If so most likely springtails.

Most springtails are detrivorous feeders.
Feeding on decaying matter in your medium.

Do they jump when you blow on them or startle them?

Are they quite fast?

If so most likely springtails.

Most springtails are detrivorous feeders.
Feeding on decaying matter in your medium.

yes they do to all your questions, shit how do i kill these .but i got them in my new dirt i just got that dont have nothing else in them just new seedlings


Initially start by just drying out your medium a little more than usual as they attracted to moisture.

I've found neem drenches to help, SPINOSAD products to knock them back quite well.

Usually they aren't a nuisance to plants but young seedlings can be affected by the presence of them.

Could be your soil has been stored somewhere and they got in.

Do they jump when you blow on them or startle them?

Are they quite fast?

If so most likely springtails.

Most springtails are detrivorous feeders.
Feeding on decaying matter in your medium.

i just looked and im sure there not springtails, they run but there kinda fast and there greyish looking.
i went and got me some dunks, there soaking in my water barrels now.ive also been useing some organtic spray from wal-mart and its not working yet either so i hope these dunks work. when i take the bottom off i see little white bugs running there asses off , but i dont see anything flying. any ideals what i might have
.Sounds like spider mites. Use a Little bit of soap and a lot of water mix them together and spray your plants up and down one good time. Bugs wont be a problem after 2 days
no not spider mites seen them before, there just in the drain off bottom part . i havent looked at the root ball yet ill wait till it drys up some i said ive used alot of stuff, neem oil, sprays from the stores (dont remember names) but nothing is killing these hope these dunks work.
Dunks work bro! Soapy water mix helps mites n small bugs. Lime and lemon, gallon water, some hydrogen peroxide and 1 cap of bleach mixture will take care of everything else. Proof here
If you are swinging blindly and missing the target then you need to apply a broad spectrum approach. To begin, most critters like to eat fungus, decay, and algae at some point in their life cycle. Cleaning dead or dying matter out and sterilizing the root zone with peroxide or Zone, will start to starve many pests. Next, I would definitely use a systemic approach such as azamax and apply from the top as well as letting a soak of the roots and tray. Sterilize pumps and any potential places to hide. When the lights are out, you need to spray spinosidad thoroughly. This along with dunks, and you have made it a very hostile place. This combination is great for mites, thrips, gnats, and many other common pests. Do not overuse these products as resistance will develop, but 2 applications 7 days apart is smart.
I know my setup is whack. I changed up but I gotta big bulb(200w) and 2 -26w bulbs with. I'm broke tho so it just pers stash. I'll post a pic.hold up.
I have 2 babies inside. I believe I have a serious infestation. I've put a small glass of Apple cider vinegar with plastic over it with holes to trap n kill them inside the grow room. Some have died. I've used diluted Hydrogen peroxide by pouring a little on the soil. They both help but don't eliminate issue. Any tips for a newb? Should I plant something that fights these pests? Thanks!!!
three tablespoons of cinnamon sprinkled over you soil might do it plus if you stop watering so much they will go away they like swampy soil. some good beach sand on top of the soil can help also.
Pm? You mean like message u on here? I just wish I could quickly talk n show u my problems. Idk.. I'm just desperate at the moment. Feel like my babies are dying n its my fault..
a lot of times the bugs are in the soil you use. I had 4 bales of promix that were loaded with mites and ill never buy that shit again because of it.