fungus gnats in dwrc / goGnats

I found a small fungus gnat problem, not way over the top, but on it's way if not controlled. went to the grow shop and they recommended go Gnats. recommended dose is 1-1.5 Oz per 10 Gal. added to the reservoir, it's a 20 Gal system. I added 3 Oz's.
After 24 hrs, one of my rooms is wilting? it looks like they are water starved? is the cedar oil in this shit coating the roots so the can't breath? I looked inside a few pots and there is a definite waxy ring around the edge. help quick please?


Well-Known Member
try flushing it, and stop using it in the reservoir and see if they respond. Can it be used as a foliar spray instead? I am assuming your still in veg.


Active Member
I put a couple of mosquito dunks in panty hose and hang over side.Change them out every 2-3 weeks and it should keep fungus gnats from eating roots and multiplying.As far as your problem with the oily substance in reservoir and on roots, like Weedler said,flush plants.


Well-Known Member
Go Gnats is garbage, that guy who sold you that is clearly an idiot !!

Go and get some gnatrol, it is the most appropriate anti gnat biological control agent for DWC systems.

Peace and Happy Growing
thanks for the gnatrol suggestion mjnation, at this point the gnats are not the problem. out of six plants I have one in critical condition. she looks like she is not getting any water? 2 more are in serious shape, same thing they look like they are thirsty. I have flushed them 3 times today and took the worst one out in the yard and soaked it and its root with the hose, they all are on ph 5.9 h2o with no nutes. I don't know if the gognats is hurting them internaly or if the oil in it is coating the roots so they cant take up water? has anyone seen this problem before? Im thinking of adding a few drops of detergent to the water to help break up the oil? any suggestion will be appreciated.


Active Member
I would ask the a hole that sold you that what to do now that your plant are headed for ICU,and he will most likely blame it on you,I have found that trying stuff that you have never tryed before is to use it at half strenth first and take it from there,hope they recover for you good luck