Fungus gnats uncontrablable!!

So I check on the room this morning and I spot a couple (2) small flies about the size of a pencil lead, bobbing around my light. The are the first to ever invade my room's airspace. Do I assume fungus gnats and move on treating my dirt or do I hang tight?
The DE kills the larvae when they try to leave the soil by dehydrating them. No fly away and no digging into the soil. Done.

I agee.
I have found DE to be the most effective way to control the annoying little bastids.

Sprinkle the DE on top of your grow medium. Reapply to surface after each watering, as DE works best when dry.
Good luck.
Sprinkle the DE on top of your grow medium. Reapply to surface after each watering, as DE works best when dry.

FWIW: Diatomaceous earth didn't do anything for me. I'm considering adding some to my soil for DE's mineral content. But, it didn't do anything to the gnats.
switch to coco lol. But seriously if you can before you plant spread the dirt you intend to use out and let it dry way out the then plant. after planting and letting your plant rest a few days hit the plant with a soil drench of your choice. Also as previously mentioned let the dirt dry between waterings. This seemed to take care of my Nat problem before I decided to ditch dirt all together.