Fungus gnats!!!!

Yellow sticky cards on every plant 1 or 2. Step 1. That will tell you if you have gnats. If you have gnats you must A) Kill the eggs/larvae B) Kill the adults so they dont lay eggs. I spray my room (floor/pots/top of soil lightly(if growing in soil) with Onslaught insecticide which is a synthetic pyrethroid. No need to spray the plants themselves, the gnats will land on the shit soon enough and it is residual for a month. That will kill the Adults and stop the egg laying. To stop the reproduction I do so using Gnatrol BTI once a week for 3 weeks. because it (BTIs in general) only work during the larvae stage, you must do it once a week for 3 weeks for it to be effective due to the transformative periods of their growth. If you do this and continue to use the yellow cards in the future you will never again have a gnat problem. I've been growing indoors for 9 years and its worked great for me. Other BTIS mentioned above might be great I have just always used Gnatrol. But kill the adults, kill the larvae in the soil. And have a way to recognize they are there. Thats been my method and its always worked for me. Onslaught also kills mites, whiteflies and aphids. So Spraying the floor and walls of your room is effective in multiple ways, it is deemed safe and used in restaurants in childrens bedrooms etc for other pest problems like bedbugs and fleas. Its active ingredient is Esfenvalerate so you don't have to use the same brand, its just the brand I use. Good luck and you should get them under control quickly within 1-2 weeks if you use my methods they are tried and true.
Yellow sticky traps & neem oil has helped me get rid of a gnat problem I had in the past. The neem oil makes the gnats infertile, so it's not an immediate cure, but it beats using harsher pesticides