fungus nats R in my Balls

Is it just me or has the type of bug not even been positively ID'd yet? Why is everyone debating the use of a water chiller?

First post, OP said they're 7 weeks in flower, so I don't think cutting off 80 percent of the roots would be advisable at this time...
I've done worse I removed all the root and stuck it in water just as long as it can be propped up it will run the last week and a half just fine
In fact I'm gonna do a test just to prove it at lights on I'll do it to one of mine and make a log about it I got a short stubby plant with to much nitrogen in it that will make a perfect candidate
not sure if you got gnats in ur gnuts or what, but gnats do make a goo. so do gnuts for that matter. they use that to survive when the medium is dry....if you do have gnats, that could explain the goo.

not sure why you haven't treated with peroxide. it kills most stuff. and i would bet that almost all larvae cannot survive peroxide. i had it really bad on an outside plant. i ran the 1:3 h2o2:h20. it didn't make them go away, but i think it nuked the kiddos. a few days later i ran mosquito bits in solution per the recced dose and let it get pretty dry. i don't have the flying ones anymore. they also go into my flower room, but seem to be gone after the mosquito bits soak. i will water them ever 6 day with mosquito bits for 3 weeks. water with peroxide 30ml/gall between that. that should break any cycle. i have the pyretherum or whateve in back up but it's supposed to be harsh on the roots. that Irie Jeff mentioned it shocks his plants quite a bit, but is worht it during veg. i am waiting for an emergency on that one.
The OP has root aphids. Good luck with that. Not sure what the best and safest thing is to use nowadays but def don’t use anything with Imidacloprid in it. It will kill them but that systemic shit sticks around for a very long time.
I started in rails and never needed a chiller. My water has chlorine and the roots grow faster a little warmer. But yeah chiller is in the books so it must be true.

Same here. Built my first rails/tubes a little more than 30 yrs ago. Built shit loads of them for myself and everyone else. Never experienced root problems until trying RO water quite a few yrs later. The chlorine/chloramines kept shit clean. If I was firing up tubes again i would chiller AND shock or something just to be safe.
The OP has root aphids. Good luck with that. Not sure what the best and safest thing is to use nowadays but def don’t use anything with Imidacloprid in it. It will kill them but that systemic shit sticks around for a very long time.

Same here. Built my first rails/tubes a little more than 30 yrs ago. Built shit loads of them for myself and everyone else. Never experienced root problems until trying RO water quite a few yrs later. The chlorine/chloramines kept shit clean. If I was firing up tubes again i would chiller AND shock or something just to be safe.
1996 was when I built mine :) 8" pipe. Yeah I've used Imidacloprid and you have to clone out three generations to be safe. I really needed/wanted those genetics