Fungus, PH, Nute Burn Ohh MY!!!!


Active Member
It's not really more difficult. It's annoying in the beginning as you can make about 1000 mistakes that cause huge problems or death, but once you get your system down it's pretty easy.

Any change to the system just requires a little monitoring and then figure out what works best.

If you want bigger buds you need bigger lights. You have to remember that adding nutrients is not the way to "boost" your plants. Your plants will pretty much do what they can do under your lights. Your yields will stay pretty similar no matter what nutes you use. You might see a small increase with a new product, but the downside of heavy feeding is slow growth and loss of yield (great loss) due to overfeeding, burning and overall stress.

Keep it as simple as you can and the plants will thank you.
That's some good knowledge.:joint: Hey I noticed you use t5's as well. Do you like them. I've never used MH but I figured it would help on the power bill to go with t5's. My only concern is I get them about 18 inches high before I I'm afraid the bottom leaves suffer from lack of light. I figured the t5's fall of pretty quick and don't reach as far as a mh would.

And aslo.....I have to ask. Why did you end up going to the ER?


Well-Known Member
I went to the ER to get hydrated. I suffer from chronic gastritis and often I go through bouts of "flare ups" where I can't hold anything down and I'm nauseated all day. Weed helps me with that, but during this particular flare up I was unable to drink water or stop vomiting for 2 days so I needed some fluids.

While in the ER they gave me a drug I had a bad reaction to and so they admitted me. It just kept getting worse and worse, but it's all in the past now. I'm feeling much better.

I am using T5HO's for the first time on this grow. I've had the fixture for quite some time, but never really fully implemented it. Well, I'll tell you this much, I am VERY happy with this light fixture. I burned my seedlings with it assuming it needed to be just inches from the top, but they needed to be up higher like HID's. Until I just put 8 in my flower room I had 22 little plants under one 6 lamp fixture! That's way better than I could do with a 400 MH.

Now that I've overcome that change in my system (see, there's always adjustments) things are back on track. And now I know from now on that seedlings need some distance. Won't make that mistake again.

You are using a SunXL split in 2 right? So basically 2 - 4x4x7.5 spaces? How many plants are you flowering at a time?


Active Member
I went to the ER to get hydrated. I suffer from chronic gastritis and often I go through bouts of "flare ups" where I can't hold anything down and I'm nauseated all day. Weed helps me with that, but during this particular flare up I was unable to drink water or stop vomiting for 2 days so I needed some fluids.

While in the ER they gave me a drug I had a bad reaction to and so they admitted me. It just kept getting worse and worse, but it's all in the past now. I'm feeling much better.

I am using T5HO's for the first time on this grow. I've had the fixture for quite some time, but never really fully implemented it. Well, I'll tell you this much, I am VERY happy with this light fixture. I burned my seedlings with it assuming it needed to be just inches from the top, but they needed to be up higher like HID's. Until I just put 8 in my flower room I had 22 little plants under one 6 lamp fixture! That's way better than I could do with a 400 MH.

Now that I've overcome that change in my system (see, there's always adjustments) things are back on track. And now I know from now on that seedlings need some distance. Won't make that mistake again.

You are using a SunXL split in 2 right? So basically 2 - 4x4x7.5 spaces? How many plants are you flowering at a time?
Damn sorry about the ER thing. That sounds unpleasant.

Well. I only have two in there right now but I would like to have 6 going at all times. I'm still in the getting up and going stage. That's why I used bag seed for my first grow. The ones that are vegging now are Jock Horror form Nirvana. I'm trying to clone them as well. I'm using rapid rooter things in a dome tray. Not sure how it's going. Last time I tried to clone it was a no go. I'm really thinking about getting an EZ Clone. Heard it's the only way to go.


New Member
hydro is easy as pie you hardly need to work up to it unless you are raising funds.

rapid rooters are as good as an EZ cloner and way cheaper. Plugs are pretty useful for larger plants in all hydroponic applications and EZ cloners don't use them. I suppose if you have to make 50 clones every couple weeks you'll save a bit of money after like 20 cloning sessions...


Well-Known Member
Hydro really is easy. It doesn't have to cost a lot, as a matter of fact I went hydro because I was tired of buying soil.

I do suggest growing in soil first though as it acts as a bit of a buffer.

With hydro there are just a few pitfalls people often fall into and the big one is not flushing the reservoir often enough and trying to add too many nutrients, too fast.

DWC is a really easy method of doing hydro and seems to work really well. I did some experimenting with it over the past winter and it was entertaining. A little bit too hard for larger grows, but for a closet grow it's pretty nice.


Active Member
Hydro really is easy. It doesn't have to cost a lot, as a matter of fact I went hydro because I was tired of buying soil.

I do suggest growing in soil first though as it acts as a bit of a buffer.

With hydro there are just a few pitfalls people often fall into and the big one is not flushing the reservoir often enough and trying to add too many nutrients, too fast.

DWC is a really easy method of doing hydro and seems to work really well. I did some experimenting with it over the past winter and it was entertaining. A little bit too hard for larger grows, but for a closet grow it's pretty nice.

Looking forward to a hydro setup.
Crazy that you guys mentioned rapid rooters. Have some going right now. I kinda of screwed up though and let them sit in water. I heard your not suppose to do that. Just monitor them and not let them dry out.

Here is what I did. Let me know if I missed something.

Used a sterile razor blade and took my clipping. Chopped the leaves in half and left the top little part alone. Placed the cliping in clonex gel, popped them in to the rapid rooter hole and placed it in the tray. The rapid rooter got water with some 5.5 distilled water with some growth hormon I picked up at the hydro store. I placed the dome over the tray and now I'm spraying every now and then....recently only spraying the dome.
My rh is between 85 and 95 percent. I have a digital thermometer inside the tray that has a probe. The probe I stuck down along side one of the rapid rooters so its touching the borttom of the tray. The overall temp inside the dome is 80-82 and the probe is reading 85-86.

How am I looking? First ....well second attmept at cloning. Haven't been succecful yet.


Active Member
DWC is a really easy method of doing hydro and seems to work really well. I did some experimenting with it over the past winter and it was entertaining. A little bit too hard for larger grows, but for a closet grow it's pretty nice.

over in the Florida growers thread. mindmelted just finished up a dwc grow. Dude got 7.5 oz dried..... off of one plant. Thought that was pretty impressive. Hell I'm shooting to try and consisltey come in at 4 oz a plant.

So with deep water sits in a bucket and never drains? Is that the idea behind it?


Well-Known Member
over in the Florida growers thread. mindmelted just finished up a dwc grow. Dude got 7.5 oz dried..... off of one plant. Thought that was pretty impressive. Hell I'm shooting to try and consisltey come in at 4 oz a plant.

So with deep water sits in a bucket and never drains? Is that the idea behind it?
That's the idea. You have to flush it out every couple of weeks just like any other hydro grow. The reservoir in the bottom is oxygenated using airstones and an air pump. Then the roots can just chill in the reservoir.

Like I said, good for small grows, not really ideal for larger scale grows.