Funny looking bud


Well-Known Member
Ive had that randomly happen too. Not every kids gonna do what you want, someones gotta be the kid with Downs.
Ive had that randomly happen too. Not every kids gonna do what you want, someones gotta be the kid with Downs.

Are you saying my buds are retarded? LOL Come on anyone know what could have caused this? I have grown off and on for over 10 years and I have never seen something like this.


Well-Known Member
my eyes are bad plus im stoned and thats not helping.. but to me... it looks like seeds growing... just with really dank pods around them... but again i cant see so good right now...


Well-Known Member
This is what happens when you clone from a clone from a clone from a clone. You have just given me more photographic evidence of clone degeneration, thank you very much! Note the absolute lack of pistils that would normally pop from the calyxes. This plant has stopped producing female parts and is just developing calyxes covered in trichomes. The odds of this plant actually being able to bear seed are low. Without pistils there's no receptor for pollen to produce a seed. This is what we could possibly call parthenocarpy. I would love to see what clones taken off of this and turned into mothers would produce.


Well-Known Member
gods nos cud b a mutant , i had 2 like it myself wif weird bud formations , anyway luks mint , da way i wud c it wud b if it smells gd tastes gd and feels gd , be happy lol njoy
I cut these two down last night. The pistils that are there are getting brown and I need the space in the room for new ones anyway. I will let you all know how they smoke when done.

For that other post there are no seeds they just look funy. Every part of this is covered in crystals and are so sticky you cant wash it off with soap.

Aloha from Maui


Well-Known Member
looks like some crazy pop corn bud xD
i wouldn't of cut it down just grow it out and smoke it
maybe take it to the cinema and eat it as popcorn bud haha

:) rep to you for these sick plants
rep back please :)


It's not that uncommon, and I think from memory theyr'e called foxtails.:peace:

you sir are correct.... i've actually been wanting to get some buds like that.... i wouldnt be so sure about it having seeds.. just big, foxtailing calyxes...

i would be willing to say that she definately looks over-nuted, hence the burnt leaf tips and lack of pistils... probably a bit late now, judging from how far along you are, but i would stop any nutrients now and just water til harvest.


Active Member
You can clone from a clone from a clone so on..... a long a what your taking the clone of is healthy the clone will be exactly the same.
I know more than one grower who has kept there strains going for up to 20 YEARS!!!!!!! taking clone from clone.
and its just as good as it ever was. iv seen plants doing what your have done before. sometimes its from a bit too much heat.
some time from using pgr's, once i sore it when a guy was re-veging and the plant didn't fully turn back to veg before he flowered it ,and one guy i know has a strain that always looks like that and is super dank. we call it pop corn. your buds look nice!!!


Active Member
My Laughing Buddhas formed buds that looked like that. They were also very prone to herm (fucking trans-testicle plants).