funny or really good pot?

ok my question is, is this funny to you or was i just that chopped...

the other day i was talking with a buddy and we always give each other shit and laugh about it, so im like your a fuckin loser! hes like fuck you. i say seriously.. you should sign up for the biggest loser.. can you picture you walking in on all these fat people weighing 130 soaking wet like do i win... not even a chuckle out of him


Well-Known Member
possibly both? I'm vaping some really.. really good Apollo and I didn't find it that funny.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Biggest loser is a UK TV show about really fat people trying to lose weight.

If he is fat then i would say that makes you a douche, if he is not fat then it doesn't really make any sense and no, is not funny.
really 1+1 doesn't equal 2 to anyone but me? no the guys not fat although poorly worded i stated that he weighs 130 soaking wet. the joke was that he would be trying to win the biggest loser (yes i know a tv show about fat people) simply because he is the worlds biggest loser...oh well wasnt trying to start a career as a comedian or anything jeez fkn critics hahaha
and tip top, what are you doing posting at 4:20? maybe if you were smoking cannabis like you should have been maybe you would have had a chuckle hah just playin thanks tho i thought he was just being a douche but maybe he didnt get it either.. screw sober people then!! haha

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
so you were ribbing it into your friend for being a loser? You sound fun. My friend is a loser but i'm nice enough not to tell him it stoned or sober.

You're a loser! gee, i guess this is fun..


Well-Known Member
`i get the premise of the joke

the premise is whats not funny

the irony is little to none

if i was tripping

that would make ALITTTLE more sense as the thought of a skinny guy competing on the show would be a mind fuck

but just smoking...

nah dude my laugh a meter is on dont give a fuck


Active Member
I get it (kinda had a friend like that too) , but if I get the friendship type that you have with him, watch out. Your comment to him probably got him thinking "I'll get him by submitting him into it myself. Hehe". You just planted the idea in his head now.


Well-Known Member
`i get the premise of the joke

the premise is whats not funny

the irony is little to none

if i was tripping

that would make ALITTTLE more sense as the thought of a skinny guy competing on the show would be a mind fuck

but just smoking...

nah dude my laugh a meter is on dont give a fuck
Yeah, but it's so unfunny I lol'ed.