Funny Thing Happened at The Grow Shop....


Well-Known Member
I think I could open my own grow shop now!!:eyesmoke:

The hubby and I went to the new grow shop that just opened on our side of town. While we were checking things out the guys running the place started chatting with us. We were there to check price on a magnetic hps ballast so that we can start running CMH. These guys had no idea what CMH was!! I started telling them about it and they looked it up online and were totally intrigued by it! That wasn't all though! Every single question my hubby asked I knew more about the subject than they did and I know next to nothing!!! they were really nice guys and the owner actually offered my a PT job that I might even take, he knows about my health issues and is willing to let me work 10am till 2pm which is the absolute most I can be up and moving right now.

Just thought it was funny. If I had 20k for opening inventory I'd be in there!!! LoL



Active Member
Lady Kimi,

A PT job there might just help you with YOUR supplies and needs! You'd most likely get a discount, and it would be educational and you'd be getting paid and getting cheaper supplies and learning all at the same time. How can that not be good? :)


Well-Known Member
Lady Kimi,

A PT job there might just help you with YOUR supplies and needs! You'd most likely get a discount, and it would be educational and you'd be getting paid and getting cheaper supplies and learning all at the same time. How can that not be good? :)
I am pretty close to being approved for disability and I worry that any job could screw that up even though they say as long as you make less than 800 a month it doesn't matter... I have been fighting the disability fight for quite some time and do not want to screw it up at this point. Other than that I can not see a down side...



Well-Known Member
I am pretty close to being approved for disability and I worry that any job could screw that up even though they say as long as you make less than 800 a month it doesn't matter... I have been fighting the disability fight for quite some time and do not want to screw it up at this point. Other than that I can not see a down side...

Have you been denied for it? Most cases you get denied several times before approval, but when you finally do get approved they pay you back compensation for the previous filings. That could be your inventory money. ;)


Well-Known Member
Have you been denied for it? Most cases you get denied several times before approval, but when you finally do get approved they pay you back compensation for the previous filings. That could be your inventory money. ;)
I have been denied 4 times and all 4 they never even sent me to a doctor for a 3rd opinion. This time they have sent me to 3 different doctors, I actually had an appt today and they are running out of time for this decision. IF they approve me this time they will owe me just shy of 67k. We plan to use the $$ to relocate to a state with Medical MJ and replenish my 16 year olds college fund as we had to take a loan from it this past year to help out...