Funny Weekend Party

Novice Smoker

Active Member
I go to a college party, and i'm only 15 years old, but my bro plays football at said college. I drink a little bit, and then he invites me out to smoke some weed. I take 4 hits, and sit in the smoke filled car for 15 mins, so I was pretty trashed. I come back to the party, and I am fucking crazy. I start pretending to squat, deadlift, and bench an immaginary bar, pretend I cant deadlift it, and also unrack the weight. After this, I start doing the robot throughout the house, and attempt to reff beer pong, aswell as forcibly grab a college girls tit. Long story short, I get dragged back to the dorm, while trying to escape 3 times, and yelling, and banging on dorm doors at 4 in the morning.

I was just wondering, is it normal to get this fucked up on weed, or is it the combination of alchohol?


Well-Known Member
that would be the combination of weed and booze! ive done it loads of time b4 but not gone mad.

it a thing u can only realise from experience. try smoking weed on its own. then sober up and maybe the next day drink some beer. u will see the difference. then dirnk and smoke and u will see it is 10x stronger effect!

good times though... good times..


Active Member we have to ban the new toker? Sorry, dude, if it happens to you. I don't wanna see anyone get banned here, but it is supposed to be 18+.

Yeah. Try weed on its own, then think of the effects.

And watch out for college parties. Crazy shit goes down there. lol

mr thc

Well-Known Member
Lucky thoses titties didnt belong to a big college dude...or you wouldnt be a 15 yr old boy, you'd be a 15 yr old cripple in the hospital. You're only 15?'re cramping the vibe...go on some kiddie stoner site.


Active Member
Ahh the good old days being 15. no responsibilities, got lunch money everyday which supplied my weed, school year felt like decades, and stealing only got you chased out by a fat or old security guard.

not speaking from my own experiences but i sure do miss it sometimes.