Novice Smoker
Active Member
I go to a college party, and i'm only 15 years old, but my bro plays football at said college. I drink a little bit, and then he invites me out to smoke some weed. I take 4 hits, and sit in the smoke filled car for 15 mins, so I was pretty trashed. I come back to the party, and I am fucking crazy. I start pretending to squat, deadlift, and bench an immaginary bar, pretend I cant deadlift it, and also unrack the weight. After this, I start doing the robot throughout the house, and attempt to reff beer pong, aswell as forcibly grab a college girls tit. Long story short, I get dragged back to the dorm, while trying to escape 3 times, and yelling, and banging on dorm doors at 4 in the morning.
I was just wondering, is it normal to get this fucked up on weed, or is it the combination of alchohol?
I was just wondering, is it normal to get this fucked up on weed, or is it the combination of alchohol?