Furnace Cleaning question


Well-Known Member
I'm gettng my air ducts in my house cleaned soon and they also "clean" the furnace or something. Is the guy that cleans my ducting gonna do the same job cleaning my furnace as an HVAC guy that cleans the furncace? Trying to just have the duct cleaning guy and kill two birds with one stone.
I can't believe you fell for the old cleaning the duct scam. They're just going to go in there and take pictures of everything and then clean you out later when you are not home. They might even install cameras and have a Truman type show of your life on the web. "They're going to clean the furnace". Oh okay pal. Haha haha. How you think all those amateur porn shower vids end up on the web.
Lol I work in Hvac and duct cleaning is a service we offer. We hook up a huge engine driven vacuum outside and run big hoses into the house and Hook them up to the supply, then return with a temporary blocker in between while cleaning. To clean we put in a special air whippy tool that will bang the dust and other crap out of the ducts and it gets all sucked into the big vacuum (we named it the general)

Go with a reputable company and if there are any issues after be sure to call back the idiots who do it sometimes leave the blocker Inside and it doesn't allow the unit to work.

Is it gas or an oil furnace? I highly recommend getting the oil furnaces heat exchanger cleaned yearly with an oil tune up. Duct cleanings every 5-10 years maybe longer depending how clean you aare.