Future Navy toys

After you own up to how you ran Pinny off the boards.

You called him faggot, remember?
And when he complained about it, you used every teenager-technical excuse in the book to dodge what you did, remember?

This is why your name to me is Mud.

Perhaps you should check your collarbone account. You're likely to find someone else for general torment.
Let this testimony be my attempt to clear the air;

He called me a faggot first, remember? Oh yeah, he's your buddy and everyone was drunk so you can remember it any way you want.

Here's the truth;
He'd been hounding me for weeks on the political boards, teaming up with Buckwit to do it- and using similar tactics which are infamously intentionally inflammatory. After awhile I'd had enough so I put him on ignore. What he said after that I don't know and don't care.

Then I went to tinychat to hang with you guys like I'd done a hundred times before and the first words out of his mouth are, 'hey, faggot!'. I interpreted this as a continuation of his belligerence on RIU, so I responded in kind. I didn't know he was/is gay and frankly his personal sexual predilections are irrelevant to the situation. You and everyone else will notice that not ever once did I treat his sexual preferences with disrespect. I just used the same word he did when he started in with me... Specifically to show how inappropriate it was. I only used the word because he started with it. It's not a word I use in any other context, not even when describing wood.

Then he got pissed and wanted an apology. I hadn't done anything other than respond to his belligerence in exactly the same way he had behaved towards me. So I refused to be bullied into an apology when it was clear to me that he was in the wrong from the start.

Apparently he had tried at some point to private message me; since he was on ignore, I didn't see any such messaging. In fact, once someone else told me he had tried to do that, I took him off ignore and even tried to contact him via PM, with no response. That was the first of several attempts I made to try and settle things with him like an adult. Every attempt I made was ignored or rebuffed- that's on him, not me.

Then he started a monumentally childish and abusive tirade, not only in the politics section but everywhere else he saw me posting, in the hope of discrediting me. Worse, in spite of being gay himself and being upset about the perceived slight about the name, he tried to shame me with doxxed pics from off the forum that discuss my own sexuality. That's just totally hypocritical and disrespectful. I notice that you just tried the same thing, so you clearly have no respect for the sexual rights of others, yet here you are still trying to get me to apologise to soothe the hurt sexual identity of your friend. Your hypocrisy climbs into the realm of the ironic!

Instead of trying to de-escalate the situation, he went to every forum and thread he could find that I posted in and doxxed me in blatant violation of RIU TOS, nevermind the socially accepted norms of common decency. He ended up getting himself banned and costing himself a great deal of respect in his toweringly poor handling of a misunderstanding born in a night of drinking online.

I have nothing to apologise for and I will not do so just because his buddies want to defend his outrageously abusive behavior out of some misguided sense of loyalty.

Now I don't expect you to have enough class to see my point of view. I hope I'm incorrect in my assessment of your character. Nevertheless, I have enough respect for you to spend the time to sincerely share my honest point of view.

The same goes for @cannabineer @curious2garden and everyone else who's climbed onto his bandwagon.
Tell us again how students should be able to eliminate their student loans through bankruptcy.

Oh wow, didn't take tinystikk to be a homophobe. I knew he was not a critical thinker, but a homophobe? Yuck. What a horrible person.

Ohh, even better, he has a sock account!
You weren't there and so you have no valid comment.

Not that complete ignorance has stopped you from making a complete jackass of yourself pretty much everywhere I've seen you post in the last week or so.

I hope you resolve your anger issues. They're unhealthy to keep carrying around like that.
Let this testimony be my attempt to clear the air;

He called me a faggot first, remember? Oh yeah, he's your buddy and everyone was drunk so you can remember it any way you want.

Here's the truth;
He'd been hounding me for weeks on the political boards, teaming up with Buckwit to do it- and using similar tactics which are infamously intentionally inflammatory. After awhile I'd had enough so I put him on ignore. What he said after that I don't know and don't care.

Then I went to tinychat to hang with you guys like I'd done a hundred times before and the first words out of his mouth are, 'hey, faggot!'. I interpreted this as a continuation of his belligerence on RIU, so I responded in kind. I didn't know he was/is gay and frankly his personal sexual predilections are irrelevant to the situation. You and everyone else will notice that not ever once did I treat his sexual preferences with disrespect. I just used the same word he did when he started in with me... Specifically to show how inappropriate it was. I only used the word because he started with it. It's not a word I use in any other context, not even when describing wood.

Then he got pissed and wanted an apology. I hadn't done anything other than respond to his belligerence in exactly the same way he had behaved towards me. So I refused to be bullied into an apology when it was clear to me that he was in the wrong from the start.

Apparently he had tried at some point to private message me; since he was on ignore, I didn't see any such messaging. In fact, once someone else told me he had tried to do that, I took him off ignore and even tried to contact him via PM, with no response. That was the first of several attempts I made to try and settle things with him like an adult. Every attempt I made was ignored or rebuffed- that's on him, not me.

Then he started a monumentally childish and abusive tirade, not only in the politics section but everywhere else he saw me posting, in the hope of discrediting me. Worse, in spite of being gay himself and being upset about the perceived slight about the name, he tried to shame me with doxxed pics from off the forum that discuss my own sexuality. That's just totally hypocritical and disrespectful. I notice that you just tried the same thing, so you clearly have no respect for the sexual rights of others, yet here you are still trying to get me to apologise to soothe the hurt sexual identity of your friend. Your hypocrisy climbs into the realm of the ironic!

Instead of trying to de-escalate the situation, he went to every forum and thread he could find that I posted in and doxxed me in blatant violation of RIU TOS, nevermind the socially accepted norms of common decency. He ended up getting himself banned and costing himself a great deal of respect in his toweringly poor handling of a misunderstanding born in a night of drinking online.

I have nothing to apologise for and I will not do so just because his buddies want to defend his outrageously abusive behavior out of some misguided sense of loyalty.

Now I don't expect you to have enough class to see my point of view. I hope I'm incorrect in my assessment of your character. Nevertheless, I have enough respect for you to spend the time to sincerely share my honest point of view.

The same goes for @cannabineer @curious2garden and everyone else who's climbed onto his bandwagon.
Tldc (too long don't care)

I was there and not drunk. You called him a faggot first.

Reading all your dating site stuff was really gross btw. Hilarious, but disgusting.

Sucks we lost pin and are stuck with you.

Tldc (too long don't care)

I was there and not drunk. You called him a faggot first.

Reading all your dating site stuff was really gross btw. Hilarious, but disgusting.

Sucks we lost pin and are stuck with you.

I have no incentive to lie. Believe what you want.

I did try to resolve things with pin but he wanted surrender instead of rapprochement. That's his failing, not mine.
I was there creepo.

Funny 5 other people remember it differently.

Everyone else is crazy huh bondage boy?

You're pathetic.
5 other people didn't think to scroll back up to the beginning of the conversation before it drifted out of TC's buffer.

I told you the truth. I don't a shit about your opinion of it.

And you're being the same hater he was before he got kicked out;

I only play with women who like and make it clear they want to be tied up. The notion that they can't like that is close minded, sexist and male supremacist, you bigot.

Have a nice day!
5 other people didn't think to scroll back up to the beginning of the conversation before it drifted out of TC's buffer.

I told you the truth. I don't a shit about your opinion of it.

And you're being the same hater he was before he got kicked out;

I only play with women who like and make it clear they want to be tied up. The notion that they can't like that is close minded, sexist and male supremacist, you bigot.

Have a nice day!

No wonder no one like you.

And stop lying, I've seen you. You're one ugly, greasy, hairy son of a bitch. No women play with you. That's why you have sad dating profiles all over the net! Please spank me?:lol:

No wonder no one like you.

And stop lying, I've seen you. You're one ugly, greasy, hairy son of a bitch. No women play with you. That's why you have sad dating profiles all over the net! Please spank me?:lol:
If this is the best you can do at trolling, leave it to competent people like pinworm lol
Let this testimony be my attempt to clear the air;

He called me a faggot first, remember? Oh yeah, he's your buddy and everyone was drunk so you can remember it any way you want.

Here's the truth;
He'd been hounding me for weeks on the political boards, teaming up with Buckwit to do it- and using similar tactics which are infamously intentionally inflammatory. After awhile I'd had enough so I put him on ignore. What he said after that I don't know and don't care.

Then I went to tinychat to hang with you guys like I'd done a hundred times before and the first words out of his mouth are, 'hey, faggot!'. I interpreted this as a continuation of his belligerence on RIU, so I responded in kind. I didn't know he was/is gay and frankly his personal sexual predilections are irrelevant to the situation. You and everyone else will notice that not ever once did I treat his sexual preferences with disrespect. I just used the same word he did when he started in with me... Specifically to show how inappropriate it was. I only used the word because he started with it. It's not a word I use in any other context, not even when describing wood.

Then he got pissed and wanted an apology. I hadn't done anything other than respond to his belligerence in exactly the same way he had behaved towards me. So I refused to be bullied into an apology when it was clear to me that he was in the wrong from the start.

Apparently he had tried at some point to private message me; since he was on ignore, I didn't see any such messaging. In fact, once someone else told me he had tried to do that, I took him off ignore and even tried to contact him via PM, with no response. That was the first of several attempts I made to try and settle things with him like an adult. Every attempt I made was ignored or rebuffed- that's on him, not me.

Then he started a monumentally childish and abusive tirade, not only in the politics section but everywhere else he saw me posting, in the hope of discrediting me. Worse, in spite of being gay himself and being upset about the perceived slight about the name, he tried to shame me with doxxed pics from off the forum that discuss my own sexuality. That's just totally hypocritical and disrespectful. I notice that you just tried the same thing, so you clearly have no respect for the sexual rights of others, yet here you are still trying to get me to apologise to soothe the hurt sexual identity of your friend. Your hypocrisy climbs into the realm of the ironic!

Instead of trying to de-escalate the situation, he went to every forum and thread he could find that I posted in and doxxed me in blatant violation of RIU TOS, nevermind the socially accepted norms of common decency. He ended up getting himself banned and costing himself a great deal of respect in his toweringly poor handling of a misunderstanding born in a night of drinking online.

I have nothing to apologise for and I will not do so just because his buddies want to defend his outrageously abusive behavior out of some misguided sense of loyalty.

Now I don't expect you to have enough class to see my point of view. I hope I'm incorrect in my assessment of your character. Nevertheless, I have enough respect for you to spend the time to sincerely share my honest point of view.

The same goes for @cannabineer @curious2garden and everyone else who's climbed onto his bandwagon.
I counted nineteen lies in this turgid screed of self-exoneration before I lost interest, Mud.
Let this testimony be my attempt to clear the air;

He called me a faggot first, remember? Oh yeah, he's your buddy and everyone was drunk so you can remember it any way you want.

Here's the truth;
He'd been hounding me for weeks on the political boards, teaming up with Buckwit to do it- and using similar tactics which are infamously intentionally inflammatory. After awhile I'd had enough so I put him on ignore. What he said after that I don't know and don't care.

Then I went to tinychat to hang with you guys like I'd done a hundred times before and the first words out of his mouth are, 'hey, faggot!'. I interpreted this as a continuation of his belligerence on RIU, so I responded in kind. I didn't know he was/is gay and frankly his personal sexual predilections are irrelevant to the situation. You and everyone else will notice that not ever once did I treat his sexual preferences with disrespect. I just used the same word he did when he started in with me... Specifically to show how inappropriate it was. I only used the word because he started with it. It's not a word I use in any other context, not even when describing wood.

Then he got pissed and wanted an apology. I hadn't done anything other than respond to his belligerence in exactly the same way he had behaved towards me. So I refused to be bullied into an apology when it was clear to me that he was in the wrong from the start.

Apparently he had tried at some point to private message me; since he was on ignore, I didn't see any such messaging. In fact, once someone else told me he had tried to do that, I took him off ignore and even tried to contact him via PM, with no response. That was the first of several attempts I made to try and settle things with him like an adult. Every attempt I made was ignored or rebuffed- that's on him, not me.

Then he started a monumentally childish and abusive tirade, not only in the politics section but everywhere else he saw me posting, in the hope of discrediting me. Worse, in spite of being gay himself and being upset about the perceived slight about the name, he tried to shame me with doxxed pics from off the forum that discuss my own sexuality. That's just totally hypocritical and disrespectful. I notice that you just tried the same thing, so you clearly have no respect for the sexual rights of others, yet here you are still trying to get me to apologise to soothe the hurt sexual identity of your friend. Your hypocrisy climbs into the realm of the ironic!

Instead of trying to de-escalate the situation, he went to every forum and thread he could find that I posted in and doxxed me in blatant violation of RIU TOS, nevermind the socially accepted norms of common decency. He ended up getting himself banned and costing himself a great deal of respect in his toweringly poor handling of a misunderstanding born in a night of drinking online.

I have nothing to apologise for and I will not do so just because his buddies want to defend his outrageously abusive behavior out of some misguided sense of loyalty.

Now I don't expect you to have enough class to see my point of view. I hope I'm incorrect in my assessment of your character. Nevertheless, I have enough respect for you to spend the time to sincerely share my honest point of view.

The same goes for @cannabineer @curious2garden and everyone else who's climbed onto his bandwagon.

I was there. I wasn't drunk and TC buffer doesn't vanish. As Bobby Z said you called him faggot first. After he told you it was hurtful you called him faggot again. You are to obtuse to grasp that pinny went after your sexuality the way you went after his.

You are exposed for what you are and it is ugly. The only people having truck with you on RIU are of your own ilk.
I'd repeat what I said in court with a transcript.

It's clear that you all have your minds made up and the facts don't matter.

Tinychat has a short buffer and by the time others noticed what had transpired the beginning of the conversation was gone.

I honestly was hoping to run into him that night so as to bury the hatchet and instead he came at me.

I've never heard pinworm say he didn't say it first; and if he ever does I'll call him a liar.
You weren't there and so you have no valid comment.

Not that complete ignorance has stopped you from making a complete jackass of yourself pretty much everywhere I've seen you post in the last week or so.

I hope you resolve your anger issues. They're unhealthy to keep carrying around like that.

Yea yea yea... More avoidance by the coward.

So answer me this, do you think students should be able to eliminate their student loans through bankruptcy?

Or is it your m.o. to write shit you can't substantiate nor have a clue on the subject matter itself?

How's your homophobic tendencies going? Piece of shit.
I'd repeat what I said in court with a transcript.

It's clear that you all have your minds made up and the facts don't matter.

Tinychat has a short buffer and by the time others noticed what had transpired the beginning of the conversation was gone.

I honestly was hoping to run into him that night so as to bury the hatchet and instead he came at me.

I've never heard pinworm say he didn't say it first; and if he ever does I'll call him a liar.
LOL. Every time I think you can get any stupider you post again.:lol:

"I don't care what anyone thinks of me so let me write a huge wall of butthurt text explaining/proving myself." -ttystik

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Yea yea yea... More avoidance by the coward.

So answer me this, do you think students should be able to eliminate their student loans through bankruptcy?

Or is it your m.o. to write shit you can't substantiate nor have a clue on the subject matter itself?

How's your homophobic tendencies going? Piece of shit.
He has a horrendous case of Dunning-Krueger syndrome. It's be hilarious if he wasn't so pathetic.

Shit grower too.
He has a horrendous case of Dunning-Krueger syndrome. It's be hilarious if he wasn't so pathetic.

Shit grower too.

He is utterly useless in almost every way imaginable. Offers literally no intellectual insight on most topics other than "how to be an assclown".

LMAO! I had to look up Dunning-Kruger syndrome... that's fucking hilarious. Well, not the syndrome.. but that it describes tinydick to a 'T'.
I was there and I was drunk and yet, I still remember Tty calling Pin a faggot multiple times. Why is he trying to make it seem like if you're drunk you automatically forget how things went down? If that is the case I'd have to ask if he was drunk every time he walked into his grow room...

hahahahaha because those plants always looked like shwagg to me. If y'all wanna see a real vertical grow, look up @PKHydro <--that dudes grow punks the shit outta anything I've ever seen from Tty