FuzzyBudz Perpetual Grow Thread (1k+, Mutil-Stage)


Well-Known Member
i didnt even see obama at first till i read the post.
and the neglected seedlings just look like they need a bigger pot.


Well-Known Member
the seedlings r WEIRD! i gave up on tryin to get them to perk up, mayb wonder woman is just....well... lazy!

they r about a month old in those cups, im gunna replant them in the cups again too, a lil trick i made up myself. pull em out, get the dirt off the roots and replant in same container. keeps em growing in the same sized cup.....dont tell the party cup contest, LoL.


Well-Known Member
hell yeah.. lookin good fuzzy... too bad that wonder woman is well.... being a bitch for ya... so... that technique you mentioned for the party cup deal, is t)hat legitemate? i am guessin you are speakin from solid experience, so i have no reason to doubt you... reason i am asking (spoiler alert) next grow i am gonna do a run of perpetual party cup grows... i have plenty of room now with three computer cases up and running... lol... just wondering how to maximize those party cups... know what i mean?


Well-Known Member
Welcome NONhater!! :-P

and micro, yes im speaking from experience. give it a try!

made some adjustments to...everything basically....

heres wat the VEG area is looking like right now...

and i put all the Wonder Womans into the flowering area wit ALOT more root space for flower....
i know i shouldnt have the three of them in the same pot, but its a BIG fuckin pot! like a good 6 gallons and they got good space....and one or 2, or all might even be males...so im not trippin on it too bad....


Well-Known Member
got some healthy growth in the veg area right now, the smile in the soil is really taking off!..

that bubbah is a weird one tho, shes very slow growing and HATED to be topped.


Well-Known Member
yea i kno dood, those Kannbia genetics r fuckin strong. biggest stalk out of the 4 right now. i cant wait to flower her out.


Well-Known Member

got me a NEW bigger closet, took me a while to post, been WAY too damn bizzy to b on the CPU the last couple days. butheres wat the flower is looking like^^

and heres wat the veg set-up is lookin like now.....


Well-Known Member
I shall name it Aurora After my Grow. and it shall be my best friend.. ill sing to it... bath with it... dance with it. and we will live happy among our plants


Active Member
Man, you got it goin on man !!! Great grow. Do you just use those two hood / light systems for veg / grow? If so whats the wattage on them (If ya don't mind me askin).

Shit is looking proper man !