FuZZyBuDz takes a D.W.C. dip, first hydro grow! {of course theres piks}


Well-Known Member
u just LOVE to sabotage my shit dont u ditty. if we EVER meet in person....remind me to kik u, SWIFTLY! in the nutz.


* K back to the subject *
Hey Fuzz... Before u started your DWC experiment u used soil right? Did u ever test the PH when u used soil? I mean like the drainage water? Cuz I got one in soil and I always make sure the water's PH is normal b4 I water the plant, but then I test the drainage water that comes out the bottom and it tests really acidic! IDK if I should adjust the PH so that its more alkaline b4 I water the plant so that way the drainage water would come out normal or if I should just leave as is! Plant looks healthy n everything but I'm just wondering if its normal for the drainage water to test so low! Any idea?