FYI: Tweed Irradiates

Update: "Our intention is that it is only the first batch, and that going forward this will not be necessary."

Still makes me a little nervous, though
Their intention was to get it right the first time and they have no idea what went wrong so they can never fix it.
They will keep trying and some will pay for irradiated mold by the gram.
Now that's quality control at its finest right there.
ZERO idea of how to do things right or how to run a multi million dollar business.
Forwarding looking statements have always been designed to entice investors. :)
A company that has grown shit so far....has sold nothing and has no final product, only looks good on paper??
At Tweed, our number one priority is to provide a wide variety of high quality medical marijuana. We aim to be a reliable partner that always has the supply of products that our customers require.

To date, we have fallen short. Although we targeted April for our first strains to be available, we will not be shipping until May. As a new company growing and harvesting our first batches, each step has taken longer than expected - particularly product testing. We have included a process called “cold pasteurization” (also known as irradiation) for our initial batches in order to provide the safest medicine possible. This process has taken extra time that we did not

With each passing week, we’ll be releasing more and more strains and in increasing volumes. We’ve already announced plans to accelerate construction, which will allow us to offer an extended variety and quantity of medicine. While we will likely experience more growing pains, the entire Tweed team is working to ensure that we
continue to be transparent, customer-focused, and committed to the highest standards in quality and variety.

Your support and patience is truly appreciated.

What a joke. Going to dr on Monday to get new forms signed for two other LP's. I can only stand so much
At Tweed, our number one priority is to provide a wide variety of high quality medical marijuana.

Seems the early birds are all tripping over their own feet, trying to be the first and biggest LP around. Once smaller boutique LP's get running, I expect to see much better customer service.

...Well, we planned to offer 30 strains, then we tried to acquire 55 more, but it got busted...

Maybe they should have started with ONE strain and focus on getting it right.
Seems the early birds are all tripping over their own feet, trying to be the first and biggest LP around. Once smaller boutique LP's get running, I expect to see much better customer service.

If HC ever approves smaller operations... they seem to be approving the biggest facilities who can solve for the most patients first.