g-13 haze for my learning experience


Well-Known Member
Have over a hundred seeds of g13 haze so going to give a couple a shot

veg light:600w mh

fan: 6 inch inline

soil: gardenners and bloome organic

nutes: Alaska veg nutes
seedlings popped up out of soil 3 days ago so far so good havent killed them yet lolIMG_0002.jpgIMG_0003.jpg
So far so good, what kind of plant is that growing with them? Also when I have seedlings I like to keep their soil moist, not saturated just a little wet. Keep it up


Well-Known Member
Are these freebies from SD? I got some if so but reluctant since never seen a report or 2


Well-Known Member
So far so good, what kind of plant is that growing with them? Also when I have seedlings I like to keep their soil moist, not saturated just a little wet. Keep it up

thats a tomato plant waiting for outside to warm up enough to put it out and for their soil i put a very small glass full of water on them once a day in the morning


Well-Known Member
Just a quick pic update to see the little bit of growth lol they are still looking good with no stretch so far hoping to keep it that way



Well-Known Member
made a aero cloner 2 inch pucks are a little bit to small for the 2 inch hole saw i bought so hopefully it will still work after the caulking drys if not then i will go purchase a new lid and a new
hole saw and redo it


Well-Known Member
checked temps today since it is 70 degrees outside room was at 85 so I had to hook up the 6 inch inline fan brought the temps down to 72 the plants are sitting pretty again yay


Well-Known Member
9 days after seedlings have sprouted looks like i have over watered a little bit as the first set of leaves are drooping somewhat and the bigger one out of the 2 i believe is going to be a male just have a feeling but we shall see when the time comes
IMG_0004 (2).jpg
IMG_0003 (2).jpg

took a tomato cutting just to test out the aero cloner and to get another tomato plant for when its time to take them outside


Well-Known Member
plants will get a very low dose of nutes with in prob 3 or 4 days once the soil drys out completely again


Well-Known Member
2 weeks from showing above the soil so time for a pic update almost 80 percent sure the shorter fatter one is going to be a male but we shall see when the time comes have my 600 watt mh about 9 inches from the top of the plants trying to keep stretch down 6 inch inline fan is doing an awesome job at keeping the hood cool so i dont burn them alright time for the pics

any feed back on how they look for being 2 weeks old do they look on track or to small?
what does everyone think
ok but they are in vegg. I haven't flowered one yet. I cant wait. I will get those pics up today for u. I have 2, both in 3g pots vegging under a 1000w(several t5's)


Well-Known Member
i cant wait to flower either but im am going to wait till i can take a couple clones from each wanna get a perpetual grow going what to harvest 2 a week they will be flowered under a 1000 wattr hps hoping to get 2 ozs a week