g00sEgg's 1st Medical Grow-WW, Afghan Kush, and Quiksilver


Well-Known Member
sorry, i just noticed the 1 pic that show's your ghetto grow

hilarious.......i bet monkey's could make a better setup



Well-Known Member
sorry, i just noticed the 1 pic that show's your ghetto grow

hilarious.......i bet monkey's could make a better setup

Grats...you're a comedian.

And if you would have read...instead of being an arrogant ass hole, you'd see that that was my temporary setup. Thanks though.

I got the cool tube and ballast all setup last night and tested it out. Everything is working, so i need to get the fan and ducting all going and i should be good.

BTW...i'm gonna have to start from scratch again. My "care giver" over watered my babies...so yeah. I'm gonna try to salvage what i can.

Will hopefully have new pics up tonight of the new setup.


Well-Known Member
Grats...you're a comedian.

And if you would have read...instead of being an arrogant ass hole, you'd see that that was my temporary setup. Thanks though.

I got the cool tube and ballast all setup last night and tested it out. Everything is working, so i need to get the fan and ducting all going and i should be good.

BTW...i'm gonna have to start from scratch again. My "care giver" over watered my babies...so yeah. I'm gonna try to salvage what i can.

Will hopefully have new pics up tonight of the new setup.

you started it bro, now quit being a pussy and take your medicine


Well-Known Member
My virtual feet walked into a virtual garden. Clean the fertilizer off of the ground before giving warnings about stepping in it. :lol: I simply make observations, not all of them extremely important. And it really isn't effective. :blsmoke: Come on guys, act like stoners and play nice! :mrgreen:

Enough problems on my hands? :confused: Care to elaborate?


Well-Known Member
i'm sure your mission in life from the higher power is not to troll on forums looking for other people's problems to solve. Or, maybe it is because why else would you keep coming to this guy's thread and checking to see what my response will be?

don't play coy either, yeah problems...pretty much self-explanatory. you have plenty...get this...gasp... just like everyone else in the world. and guess what, nobody needs you to fight their battles. are you this guy's mommy? cause if you are, then i'll give you a pass and let you off with a stern warning that your son starts messes he can't clean up. that's why my previous response to you said "you do not know what has gone down."

i'm a good dude, but i don't put up with bs...i actually do something about it instead of hiding like a coward. i find life to be easier when you aren't getting crapped on. also, even though you might find it hard to believe, i do pick my battles and don't just go picking them with people. so, when confronted, if i deem it necessary, i beat ass mentally.

i really did not have to explain myself to you, but i thought it might make you feel better about yourself. now take your own advice and "play nice."


Well-Known Member
Who's trolling? That's funny right there.

What I, along with the majority of other RIU members, do care about is finding grow journals that are grow journals, not who can get one up on whom. If you think I'm on someone else's thread for you, then you need to put your ego in check.

don't play coy either, yeah problems...pretty much self-explanatory. you have plenty...get this...gasp... just like everyone else in the world.
That was my point, Sherlock. Coyness not required.

i really did not have to explain myself to you, but i thought it might make you feel better about yourself.
Well golly gee, thank you so much for thinking of my self esteem. I'm sure it's difficult for a guru like you to spare a moment for others.


Well-Known Member
The white widow and quick silver are both gone...and the afghan kush is doing good.
I have 3 Thai Super Skunk seeds germing...and will plant them probly tomorrow.
How's it all going, g00sEgg? I initially came here because I'm pretty sure one of my young ones is Afghan (one of my seeds packets was a "mix" and therefore those are unlabeled), so I was seeking images for comparison. My babies were born on June 20, so the two "mystery seeds" are indeed still a mystery. :lol:

ANYHOOO.... keep us posted! :hump:


Well-Known Member

How's it all going, g00sEgg? I initially came here because I'm pretty sure one of my young ones is Afghan (one of my seeds packets was a "mix" and therefore those are unlabeled), so I was seeking images for comparison. My babies were born on June 20, so the two "mystery seeds" are indeed still a mystery. :lol:

ANYHOOO.... keep us posted! :hump:
I'm pretty sure my buddy over-watered all of my plants and killed the. He's my caregiver, and i'm teaching him as we go...but I can't be there to baby-sit him all the time. But now I guess I have to. I told him not to do anything but look at them, lol. But I'm supposed to be getting the duting/fan going hopefully tonight. Thinking about getting some black tarp for inside the doors. The gap between the doors and the actual cabinet is to big. So hopefully the tarp will help with the light leak problem. Also my buddy/caregiver feels bad so he's buying some new seeds. We're thinking about Pyramid Seeds' Tiburon. Supposed to be easy to grow, and forgiving...so we'll see.

Will update as soon as I get some pics.


Well-Known Member
So how is the grow going man?any more pictures?
I've only got 1 WW going right now, under 24/7 cfl's. I'm supposed to be getting clones as soon as my panda film, hps bulb, propagator, and cloning gel comes in.

Will def. try to get some pix up asap.


Well-Known Member
looks like a good start, maybe you should germinate them before you put them in soil so they dont rot. i find it easier.try world of seeds. nice fem seeds. clones are good too though. good luck