G13 armogeddon, red deisel, hollands hope


Well-Known Member
great plants and pics bwinn. how many plants you flowerin right now? what an nutes are you feeding them too? hope you are feeling better, its funny cuz a 24 hour bug was going around here too. it just crept up on me one day and i felt tired and worn down all evening. i went to bed at 11 that night and i never go to bed that early. holler at ya later.


Well-Known Member
whats up mastakoosh all that info is somewhere in my journal ill find it in a little bit lol. i have 3 plants flowering 2 in veg. the bug going around kicked my ass lol thanks for stopping buy mastakoosh.

t dub c

Well-Known Member
Yo yo bwinn, they are looking very nice bro, coming along nicely eh buddy. nice werk thus far mang. Your going to be token some dank in no time. hehe.


Well-Known Member
whats goin on bwinn?? this is the first time i've seen your journal so i'll be following it until the end to see these girls finish. good job so far and keep growing


Well-Known Member
ok some new pic's these are just my big g13 ill get the other ones later. its day 27 of flowering.



New Member
maybe if I print some of your pics and hang them on the wall in my grow room they will get the idea...:confused:yours are looking awesome by the way...