G13 Cinderella 99 - Barney's Acapulco Gold - Snowhigh Pipe Dream Grow.

Happy 11 - 12 - 13. this date won't happen again for another 1000 years !!!
c99_111213.jpg G13 C99 - 3rd Week flowering .
ag_111213.jpg Acapulco Gold
pd2_111213.jpg Pipe Dream - first pistils about a week 1/2 ago.
jd_111213_2.jpg Jamaican Dream - first pistils about a week 1/2 ago
sdg_111213.jpg Sweet Deep Grapefruit - first pistils about a week ago.
Week 4 Flowering
4 Weeks 12/12 today. The G13 C99 is the most filled out. Starting to see a little frost. The Barney's Acapulco Gold is still a little sensitive to nutes, but it has come around. Looks like it will take 10-11 weeks to finish. The Jamaican Dream and Pipe Dream has been flowering for about 2 weeks now. When I started the 12/12, the Jamaican Dream and Pipe Dream were not showing pistils. Took them both another 2 weeks to start showing pistils. The Sweet Deep Grapefruit just started showing pistils about 1 week ago. It is finally growing after I transplanted it in a 5 GAL. I should have transplanted the Pipe Dream, but I still have it in a 2 gal pot.
Today I pollenated a flower on all the plants. I'm sure I pollenated more than just the branches I used the cutip on, because I saw a little pollen dust cloud come from the cutip into my tent. I should have taken the plants out of the tent, but "oh well". Nothing wrong with some extra seeds. So I will have the following seeds if all goes well. [1] Jamaican Dream X Pipe Dream. [2] Sweet Deep Grapefruit X Pipe Dream , [3] Acapulco Gold X Pipe Dream, [4] G13 Cinderella 99 X Pipe Dream, [5] Pipe Dream X Pipe Dream. I like the structure of the Sweet Deep Grapefruit. Mixing it with the Pipe Dream (Acapulco Gold X C99 X Blue Dream) X (Blueberry X Sweet Pink Grapefruit) should be NICE!! Also the G13 C99 X PD (Pineapple X Grapefruit) X (AG X C99 X BD) should also be nice. The Jamaican Dream X(AGXC99XBD) should also be nice. Not sure when I will get to grow any of those seeds if they come out ok. We will see how it goes!!
Week 5 Flowering
G13 C99 seems to be on schedule for 8 weeks flowering. Looks like it may need another 3-4 weeks. Acapulco Gold looks like it may need 4-5 more weeks. Pipe Dream plant is small. I didn't veg it long enough. It was my backup plant. The other [2] were male. However, I gathered some pollen, and pollenated a branch on all the plants. The Sweet deep grapefruit will need at least 5-6 more weeks. The Jamaican Dream looks like it will finish around the same time as the C99.
Week 6 Flowering
Week 6 G13 C99 looking good. Will probably need another 2-3 weeks. Acapulco Gold also will probably need another 3-4 weeks. Jamaican Dream cola is fatter than the G13 C99, and it will probably need at least another 4 weeks or more. The Pipe Dream will probably need 5-6 more weeks. The Sweet Deep Grapefruit also looks like it may need another 5 weeks or so.
jd_nug_120213.jpg Jamaican Dream Nug Shot
c99_120213.jpg G13 C99
I also was able to use some of the pollen from the Pipe Dream Male on all the plants. [1] Jamaican Dream X Pipe Dream should be nice. It should speed up the flowering of the Pipe Dream. [2] The Acapulco Gold X Pipe Dream should just bring out more of the AG, since Pipe Dream already has AG in it. [3] C99 X Pipe Dream will hopefully bring out more C99. [4] Sweet Deep Grapefruit X Pipe Dream should improve the structure of the Pipe Dream. I also made some [5] Pipe Dream X Pipe Dream. If all goes well, I should be harvesting the G13 C99 in another 2-3 weeks. Its possible that the Jamaican Dream may catch up with the C99 by then. We will see.
Here are a few Nug pics:
c99_frost_120513.jpgc99_frost2_120513.jpgc99_nug_120513.jpgc99_nug2_120513.jpgc99_nug3_120513.jpgc99_nugs4_120513.jpgG13 C99
ag_120513.jpgag_nug2_120513.jpg Acapulco Gold

jd_nug_120213.jpgjd_nug_120513.jpgjd_nug2_120513.jpgjd_seed_120513.jpg Jamaican Dream
pd_nug_120513.jpg Pipe Dream
sdg_nug_120513.jpg Sweet Deep Grapefruit


  • ag_nug_120513.jpg
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Week 7 flowering
: The G13 C99 is looking like it will be ready to harvest in another week. The AG will probably need another 2-3 weeks. The Jamaican Dream will probably need another 2-3 weeks. The SDG will probably need another 4-5 weeks.
I realize that the G13 Cinderella 99 could have done much better if I had veg'd it for 2 months instead of 1 month. Also, I seeded a few branches on the C99, and the pollen hit a few other branches, so I can't say that I did a good grow for the G13 C99. Overall, I would say that it is a easy plant to grow, but you have to really Veg it out for more than 1 month and train it. It is not very fussy with the nutes. I just gave it Fox Farm trio, and molasses. Also a little super thrive. I'm sure the yield would be much better if I had not seeded a few branches, and VEGd it fir at least 2 months. Acapulco Gold will probably take 2-3 more weeks. I did not do a good job on the Snowhigh Pipe Dream. Its my worst looking plant. I have it in a 2 gal, and I only vegd it 2 weeks before flip. The Sweet deep grapefruit is starting to look better. It also needed a longer VEG. The Jamaican Dream should have also been VEGd for a couple months. The Jamaican dream smells like pineapples, and the nugs are fat on it. I like that plant the best out of all. Next time, I will grow [1] Jamaican Dream, and some of the [Jamaican Dream X Pipe Dream] seeds I'm making. The JDXPD should be reall nice (Jamaican Dream X (blue dream X Acapulco Gold X C99)). We will see....
Week 8 flowering
I harvested the G13 C99 today. Mostly cloudy. I saw a few amber. Mostly red hairs. Will dry for 4-5 days, then cure. I tried some popcorn in a vape, and it was a nice up high. I've been smoking bag seed for a while, so anything better than that will probably be amazing to me.
G13 C99 is in the Mason Jar getting ready for cure. Not bone dry, so I will have to burp for a few days, then throw the boveda pack in there. The AG will be next to harvest. It looks like its ready, but its only been almost 9 weeks. Spec says 70-75, however, based on most of the trics being cloudy, and the buds looking fat, I might pull this bitch in a couple days. Here are some pics of the AG
pd_jd_122013.jpgPipe Dream and Jamaican Dream Nugs . Both smell fruity.
L sdg_nug_122013.jpgsdg_nug_122013_2.jpg Sweet deep grapefruit Nug. This bitch smells fruity-licious
Week 9 flowering
ag_nug_122313.jpgThe Acapulco Gold has been harvested. Nugs look done even though not at 70-75 day mark. Mostly cloudy and very few amber. I think the Jamaican Dream will be next, followed by the Pipe Dream, and last the Sweet Deep Grapefruit. T
Week 11 - 12/12
This is probably about Week 8 for the Jamaican Dream and Pipe Dream, and probably about week 7 for the Sweet Deep Grapefruit. I will probably pull the Pipe Dream sometime this week. The Jamaican Dream will probably also be pulled sometime this week. The Sweet Deep Grapefruit has at least another 2 weeks...I think. Also, all of my plants this grow have at least [1] branch that has been pollenated with the Snowhigh Pipe Dream. I made extra seeds of the (Jamaican Dream X Pipe Dream). That strain (Jamaican Pipe Dream) should be quite nice. The JD smells like Pineapple and the Pipe Dream smells like some kind of sweet candy. Also, I sampled the Pipe Dream, and it has a high similar to the Acapulco Gold. In a vaporizer, you can taste the berry flavor of the Pipe Dream...quite nice....
The G13 C99 smoke is also a up kind of high. I like the Acapulco Gold high better. I'm sure they will both be better after they cure a bit longer.
Pipe Dream has been harvested. Its in a cardboard box for 1 day, then in the Jars. Next to harvest is the Jamaican Dream....That baby is nice!! Afterwards, I will pull the Sweet Deep Grapefruit...
Week 12
The Pipe Dream is in the Mason Jar. I'll burp for a few days, then throw in the Boveda pack. I'm giving the Jamaican Dream some time to show a little amber before I throw it in the dark. Great plant! She is FROSTY...even though I pollenated a couple lower branches. The Sweet Deep Grapefruit will probably go for another week before going into the dark. The SDG is also frosty. I'll upload some pics soon...