G13 from Dr Greenthumb Grow Journal


:joint:Wanted to start this on the 1st but I germinated the seed 3 days ago, soaking it in distilled water for about 6 hours then to the wet paper towel as per docs instructions . I don't like adding any nutrients though. There was a tap root the next day.
Tomorrow it will go into a General Hydroponics Waterfarm with an added 4 inch air stone for DWC under T5 lighting.
I will post them tomorrow.



Well-Known Member
Nice, I am subbed.

It was a toss up between this and the fire hydrant for me. Glad to see someone sprouting it!


Well-Known Member
You may consider getting hps for flowering. You have seeds $100 a pop and your using a fluro. They are big hungry plants g13 so the fluro will not give you the plant's full potential.


Well-Known Member
You may consider getting hps for flowering. You have seeds $100 a pop and your using a fluro. They are big hungry plants g13 so the fluro will not give you the plant's full potential.
I was thinkin his T5's are just for veg?


Active Member
I used the 250W MH from seed and it turned out to be the bushiest shortest plant I have EVER seen. I would use the t5 for the first week only then go on to bigger and better things :) I really don't know why so many people are hesitant about using their HID's from the get go, it's not like when it's a seedling in the real world she's only gonna get cloudy days for the first week (she be so lucky), in an open field she would have gotten the full brunt of the sun so why not get her used to it from the get go you know?


Active Member
The light is about a foot up.The T5 is only for the initial seeding stage. I will then step it up to 400w MH...
Ah man when she gets that MH in the Waterfarm she'll really start taking off. Barrelmaker are you using the stock pump that came with the WF or did you purchase a bigger one?


Day 58 ppm1300 pH 5.8. Took 4 Clones and topped a week ago. The Ph was too low and finding she really likes being feed.



Day 70
ppm 1550 pH 5.9 About a foot and a half on the four main branches . Tonight I'll put her under 1000 watt HPS light with a Magnum xxl reflector. I'll switch the lights to 12/12.
Wanted to see if I could up a video too.



19 Days in Flower 1800 ppm 6.2 pH
The HPS makes the pictures too orange so I took it out of the room to take the shots.



33 Days in Flower
2000 ppm 5.5
Wow the camera is not doing thing as much justice as it should . The plant has stoped streching and been just packing on weight for a week now.
