G13 haze problem with pics.


Well-Known Member
I have 3 g13' haze's growing at the moment under a 600 watt hps.They are 3 weeks in.1 of the plants is perfect but the other 2 are yellowing and very stringy.They are all in 20l airpots and and have been fed only water untill today when i started feeding them quarter strenght nutes.Does anyone know why 1 could be fine and the others showing deficiency's as they have all been treated in exactly the same way?Also the stalk on the healthy one is 3 times fatter than the others
The first 2 pics are of the healthy one and the other two of the not so healthy

if anyone has any advice i would be very gratefull if you could enlighten me:joint:



Well-Known Member
hi otto im using advanced nutrients sensi a+b.i only started feeding them a few days ago_Only the top soil is dry it is nicely moist undernieth


Well-Known Member
If i had to be critical and i mean no offence id have to point at a few reasons why the plants are having problems. Firstly i'd say all your plants and the seedling that i can see in one of the pics are showing signs of overfertilization. How long have the plants been in that soil for? Looks a lot of soil for the size of plants you got, how many times have you potted up or given a new pot? All the leaves on the healthy plant are long and thin and starting to get bunched and whispy, if the soil is staying wet for too long or the bottom of the pot is getting water logged this could be a problem but i don't yet understand the principals of watering air pots yet as they look too messy for me so can't advise here. Pics 3,4,5 are defo over nute problems and are burning, one looks like it won't make it. What soil is it as well, i don't need fertilizer for my soil which is westlands and i use smaller pots for same size plant.
I hope that i can be helpfull in some way but need second opinions, i do think i defo see over fert probs and i soil grow too so have seen this in previous grows of mine and with root rot. I always revert back to a site i found a while a go for my soil grow techniques, i'll post link if you got time, they don't answer any real questions rather give invaluable soil grow techniques and fertilizer recomendations in soil. Hope it helps you out as it did for me.


The grow guide is at the bottom in several parts under the title 'Get Growing', i like the bottom three guides - soil, water and pH and fertilizing smart guide, honestly this is good if you grow in commercial store/garden bought soil and compost.


A. N. are good i use humboldt master A & B follow the feeding guide to a T a drop of super thrive. you know feed water water plants also rest later in the end of the day


Active Member
Over fertilized. You're growing a haze strain which is very touchy nute wise.

If they were dry the whole plant would droop, not burn. Notice the tips curling down?


marijuana is a weed very hardy in the harshest environment older leaves always yellow and die when the plant is looking for moisture fan leaves that dont get enough light do this also


Well-Known Member
My opinion is pic 3 and 4 definatly have a good degree of nute burn, now wether this be due to heat or somthing else causing leaf and nute burn then so be it but the answer to the problem is nute burn! Maybe next someone will say cal/mag deficiency next for a laugh!lol!


Well-Known Member
i agree that its nute burn.i have checked for bugs on a daily basis and have found none.do you think because i have them in so much soil that the nutes in the soil are 2 much? i used plagron from seed and had burn very early.i will use seedling soil in future to get them started.im gonna keep going with this grow and just feed them ph'd water.hopefully they recover when the soil nutes balance out.i have started to lst them today.hopefully this doesnt caus them to much stress.if the 2 bad ones dont reover il just chop them and stic a couple of other seeds in pots 12/12 from seed
thanks for the advice


Well-Known Member
The pots are a bit big yer but more soil dosen't equal stroger nutes - a handful or a bucket full if the soil is 10 10 10 NPK strength then thats as strong as it can be. Heat stress can bring on nute burn as the plant dosent respond well to high nutes at high temps, this makes it get very hot inside the leaf and processes start to shut down. What i have noticed is that a lot of soil is very hot for plants and has nutes that last easily 5/6 weeks in a reasonable size container, companies think more nutes equals better plant growth but there is a fine line between the two and overstepping it leads to disaster. I too use to be keen to reach for the nutes but now its what i manage to do without for most of my grow and especially in veg as a lot of other members are saying. I use my nutes to correct deficiencies not feed my plant.

You need a seedling soil for seedlings and start of vegetative growth, my grow and soil is not the same but our principles are so find a soil and work out how long the nutes in the soil last for a certain size pot that would hold the plant and roots to the point where they have spread through all parts of the soil and plenty are sticking out the bottom. I make this point the end of my veg period so the plants have been in the soil 5/6 weeks no nutes and the roots are starting to get a bit root bound, any deficiencies in week 6 will be cured with fresh soil and a bigger pot so i transplant and place in the flowering room in a pot that will just be getting a slight bit root bound by the end of flowering. Now my flowering takes two weeks 12/12 to show the first flowers and a futher 8 weeks or so to finish so thats almost two and a half months and the roots are getting through the nutes in that bigger pot in about 6/7 weeks. So week 7 i give a light dose of ferts and at most maybe one more slightly stronger one in a week or two but after that all i got to do is a light flush at week ten of flowering and its chop chop time.

So if you do find it is the hot soil and confident the temps, drainage, watering and humidity etc etc are ok then there are things you can do to make life easier which won''t cause any major drama. You can mix the soil with somthing like coco fibre which contains no nutes to weaken the overall soil mix, even buy a very light soil to mix with it. I have used my seedling soil mixed with my flowering soil with plants in flowering to make a less hot soil. As long as the soil isn't miracle grow then you can use the watering times to administer light flushes although wait till the plant grows a few roots first, simply, slowly and gently water enough water so you get quite a good drianing out the bottom, do it slowly and take your time as you don't want to make the plants swim. The point of choosing the right pot size is that you get one that dries out in say 5/6 days so the roots can cycle between wet and dry periods reguarlly, too dry and root hairs die, too wet and root rot sets in. You got to look after your roots more than the plant itself, learn how to cultivate the roots and what they like too.

Thank god you don't have bugs because they are the worst problem i have ever had. Those air pots look wicked and bet you would get great root growth outa them with right size pot and plant. Keep us informed of the out come of witholding the nute, guess you won't see signs or recovery for a few weeks, maybe sooner if the flush has worked.