G13 LABS pineapple express


Active Member
Just wanted to start a thread on this strain. Was wondering if anyone else is growing it or has in the past. Im super excited about her.

Heres a pic of her from seed.



Well-Known Member
Hi pjd, you should have used the search, there are plenty of discussions around pinex here and it received very mixed responses from different people. In general most people are very happy with it but you know, different folks...
I've had a pinex freebie once which was great but the seeds we bought after that were different. Apparently there is this one pheno which is very nice but after that freebie we only found one of them in 2 packs of 5. The other pheno(s) are not too bad either but nothing special in my opinion. From your picture i can't really tell which one it is but the nice pheno has a darker colour and more sativa looking leaves.

King Arthur

Well-Known Member
I got a fairly decent pheno of G13-Pineapple Express. It doesn't come close to the movie's portrayal of pinex, the name itself puts a little too much hype on the strain. Ease of growth, decent daytime smokage and price are what I consider pluses of this strain. It is not for everyone though, if someone is looking for a plant that stands out from the crowd, hits like a freight train, and smells so dank someone doesn't have to look at it first than this is not the plant for you.

You are doing a good job so far, keep it up! I wish you the best in this journey and hopefully your smoke comes out above par!


Active Member
Hey thanks for the replies guys. Her leaves are very fat. Looks very indica dominant to me. I was hoping she was going to be a knock out high but after reading you guys comments she most likely wont be. I also have 5 critical kushs from barney farm going along side her. Then my buddy had to take his stuff down and ended up with 4 grand daddy purple seedlings. Heres a pic of the garden and a close up of the pineapple ex leaves.

