G13 Power Skunk fo' FREE


Well-Known Member
How is you Hella Cool craigslist setup going ?

How is your grow going with the halogen worklight ? .
hows that $20 hps econo light workn out? burn ur trailer down yet?
cuz my parents $1,100,000 house is still standing :)


Well-Known Member
no shit! Is that free seed thing still goin on? thats rad! I was hella sketched about orderin seeds
fasho. also type in 420 at the checkout and get 15% off (not shipping) they got some good deals thare. im gonna grow a male and female( in sep gro rooms) to mate to get more seeds too


Well-Known Member
hows that $20 hps econo light workn out? burn ur trailer down yet?
cuz my parents $1,100,000 house is still standing :)

I recommend the econolight when people don't have the extra money to spend or haven't had an HID light and want to see how they work, helping people make the right decision. That's helping out with informed decisions, so what is there to make fun of, Nothing, unless you aren't smart enough to understand. Use your head.

Your parents have a house, big deal, what do you have ? What have you earned ? Nothing, I'm supposed to be your friend because your parents have a house ? It probably isn't even paid for, yeah, I'm jealous of their debt, use your head boy.

You are in luck, I doubt I can kick your ass now, everytime I think of you I laugh my ass off thinking about someone growing with a halogen worklight, that is just too funny. Got any more stories of dumb shit you've done ? use your head son.

You are just one HELLA COOL MOTHER FUCKER in my book.


Well-Known Member
in the BAY we say hella. im sorry that ur too scared to list ur real location. mabe u shud just shut up and cut ur losses cuz u lost this one. and btw u could never beat me up or intimidate me.ever.period


Well-Known Member
in the BAY we say hella. im sorry that ur too scared to list ur real location. mabe u shud just shut up and cut ur losses cuz u lost this one. and btw u could never beat me up or intimidate me.ever.period
I could never beat you up ? Why because you are under age and it isn't worth the jail time ? Or cause you have to carry a gun because you are afraid of an ass whoop'in ? Either way you're still a PUSSY you just keep proving it to everyone the more you talk.


Well-Known Member
I could never beat you up ? Why because you are under age and it isn't worth the jail time ? Or cause you have to carry a gun because you are afraid of an ass whoop'in ? Either way you're still a PUSSY you just keep proving it to everyone the more you talk.
u keep proving my point. just stop talking and walk away from ur windows 98 and take the loss. ur a pussyass shit talker thats tryn to start shit wit a minor that can fuck ur punkass up.


Well-Known Member
Study hard JR. and maybe you can be smart one day too. Then maybe you can buy things your Mom won't let you have now.


Well-Known Member
im interested in how these free seeds grow and how much they produce
Well I just took advantage of thier offer I just ordered:
Paradise Seeds White Berry female (hoping these are as good as they sound)
G13 Labs Power Skunk (5 free)
And i got these for free due to total cost:
G13 LABS POWER SKUNK (another 5 free)

All i need is now my white widow and im set. When I start them up I'll pm you my grow journ.


Active Member
They are free for a reason. I received the G13 Labs Power Skunk and Thai Super Skunk free with my order from Attitude Seeds. My order consisted of GHS Train Wreck and Barney's G13 Haze.

I will say this... I opened the G13 Labs Power Skunk and I saw one good looking seed and 4 very small immature seeds. Guess what? Only the one seed germinated.
The rest of the order appears fine. Right now I am growing the one Power Skunk and germinating the Train Wreck.

I am very pleased with the speed and stealth of delivery and will use Attitude again. Just don't expect much from the freebies.


Well-Known Member
oh im not. I plan on using them as my guinea pigs so i dont waste my other seeds. :]

Who knows, maybe ill get lucky and 4 out of 10 will germ?


Well-Known Member
Well I just took advantage of thier offer I just ordered:
Paradise Seeds White Berry female (hoping these are as good as they sound)
G13 Labs Power Skunk (5 free)
And i got these for free due to total cost:
G13 LABS POWER SKUNK (another 5 free)

All i need is now my white widow and im set. When I start them up I'll pm you my grow journ.

Good luck with your grow, what kind of setup are you going to have ?


Well-Known Member
I labeled these in paint, but it's hard to see. The left two rows are G13 Power Skunk(free) 4 total, G13 Thai Skunk(free) 4 total, then blue cheese 4 total, the rest are LR#2 x AK47 13 total...

As you can see, the blue cheese and free skunks are way outperforming the Lowryder #2 x AK47.. maybe I should have went with just LR#2.

Germination rates:
PS(free): 4/5
TS(free): 4/5
BC: 4/5
LR#2xAK47: 13/20

These were planted Oct 1 under CFL's and recently transplanted and moved under 400W MH Hortilux :)

The second pic was from Oct 16--just 3 days ago.



Well-Known Member
Good luck with your grow, what kind of setup are you going to have ?

Im going to do SOG with dual 150w HPS using ebb n flow. Im planning 8-10 plants and im also going to attempt an intresting method i saw in some grow book. I cant remember the name but the results looked very promising and for my confined space it will work out perfectly.

I have the "tent" designs all done I just need to go out and buy the materials. I have all the needed equipment already.

BTW WB is supposedly perfect for SOG which is why im going that route. I'm not lookin to sell I just love to grow :mrgreen:


edit: i should also mention im going to have some CFL around the colas to further promote swelling ^^ My HPS will be right next to the plants as well as im making a custom cooltube setup using bake a rounds.

Anyways enough of my derailment, back on topic xD


New Member
Just rec. my order from Attitude also. I bought the t shirt, they sent me a med...sorry I guess no mens sizes lol. I paid about 80 w shipping and got 5 fem. ice cream seeds in my paid order plus 1 fem DP seed and 5 G13 Power Skunk free. I don't expect much from the Durban Poison as I have read it has a low THC % and the power skunk sounds way too much like marketing to be much good but hey, free seeds is free seeds...it's not mexican bag seed is it? Will try germ. 3 of the Ice Cream seeds this weekend. Attitude is not bad, my first bean order ever and I will prob go back, huge selection.


Well-Known Member
Attitude is great! Ordered from there 3 times now with no problems. Shirt once, nothing twice. Safe and fast!

I forgot I posted those pics! Quick update. 4/5 power skunk and 4/5 thai skunk germinated. After flowering, one male--the rest females! Nice odds. They are growing like crazy! I vegged for one month, then cloned, then flowered. Been flowering for about a week before could see hairs. They were vegged under a 400w MH, but still seem to have stretched quite a bit. Hoping the 1000w HPS can stop them in their tracks. I ended up trashing the clones--don't want to mess with these tall fuckers!

well... seven more weeks :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
im glad about all the reviews, just ordered first time, now im wishing i knew about the 420 thing...dammit but hey 88 bux for 10 auto ak/kush and 5 powerskunk and 1 DP fem...still a good deal not to mention all was with the tshirt and stealth with guaranteed delivery...

siLky joHNsoN

Well-Known Member
its if you spend over about 50 bucks you get one free durban poison, along with the 5 free power skunk..im ordering tomorrow...so is this site a good one?