G13 Power Skunk fo' FREE


Well-Known Member
wow.. nobody believes me! Attitude is great! I've ordered with the most expensive shipping AND the least expensive shipping.. Got both orders. And a third. They are really good. I've ordered from multiple online sites and most of the time got what I ordered.. a couple of times my orders were seized and I never went with those sites again.. one time I was completely ripped off for a large order. Attitude has been the best for me.


Active Member
We've put in 3 orders and got double billed on 1 order, but I sent 2 emails and got it refunded.

I've heard a lot of creepy shit about attitude charging xtra money to people's credit cards.

I'd do it again but I use a card that only has a $500 limit, and I'd check my transactions so you can get on it right away if some shady shit hapens.

We've used the T-shirt shipping everytime. Cool shirts, and whats an xtra $15 bucks?

If you order without the shirt, your FINE! You have a bigger risk of them getting seized by customs and not recieving the order you paid for, but thats it. Customs sends a letter that says you can come inspect what they've seized or it will be destroyed. Mane2008's thread covers this. He's the man in LA.


Well-Known Member
We've put in 3 orders and got double billed on 1 order, but I sent 2 emails and got it refunded.

I've heard a lot of creepy shit about attitude charging xtra money to people's credit cards.

I'd do it again but I use a card that only has a $500 limit, and I'd check my transactions so you can get on it right away if some shady shit hapens.

We've used the T-shirt shipping everytime. Cool shirts, and whats an xtra $15 bucks?

If you order without the shirt, your FINE! You have a bigger risk of them getting seized by customs and not recieving the order you paid for, but thats it. Customs sends a letter that says you can come inspect what they've seized or it will be destroyed. Mane2008's thread covers this. He's the man in LA.
yeah I figured it was worth the extra 16pounds even though everyone who says they chose the cheapest shipping seem to say they all got their stuff...well yeah im sure its all a chance but why not basically insure it with a free shirt basically and even if it gets seized they will send it again, guaranteed to get to the address means a lot this poor whiteboy...now I cant wait, I heard they were fast, hopefully faster than some other people out there...


Well-Known Member
I got 5 G13 Power Skunk seeds and 5 G13 Tia Skunk Seeds for free with my last order. All 10 germed and they are 4 weeks in veg. Both are sativa strains and seem to be coming along fine. Hell you can't beat 10 free seeds even if they are just medium grade. I just put them into flower this week so wee will see.


Well-Known Member
I heard they were free because the DEA has implanted GPS Nanotechnology in them so they can see where everything gets sent to. Be Careful !!!!


Well-Known Member
hey,, why don't you guys keep talkin' shit so the whole fucking world knows.... yous your fuckin' heads..at least pm each other or something. it's dumb shit like that,, that gets sights shut down.......think!:spew::o:fire::finger::wall::hump::cuss::cry::roll:


Well-Known Member
hey,, why don't you guys keep talkin' shit so the whole fucking world knows.... yous your fuckin' heads..at least pm each other or something. it's dumb shit like that,, that gets sights shut down.......think!:spew::o:fire::finger::wall::hump::cuss::cry::roll:
Get a clue... you can find any seed bank on google way easier than trying to sift through this site.


Well-Known Member
i hope you sell a bag to someone and they tell 100 people were they got the bag w/o disgretion

what else do we talk about on this sight? and what are the repercutions? you must me the same people that tell everyone you know about your grow?

siLky joHNsoN

Well-Known Member
hey,, why don't you guys keep talkin' shit so the whole fucking world knows.... yous your fuckin' heads..at least pm each other or something. it's dumb shit like that,, that gets sights shut down.......think!:spew::o:fire::finger::wall::hump::cuss::cry::roll:
yeah everybody YOUS your fucking heads...wow...that was an oxymoronic statement

siLky joHNsoN

Well-Known Member
I heard they were free because the DEA has implanted GPS Nanotechnology in them so they can see where everything gets sent to. Be Careful !!!!
yep thats it...they put nano technology into the beans...or they could just check the ship to address...durrrrrrrrrrr


Well-Known Member
Silky, the $11 shipping option is just fine for 3-4 strains. Attitude said they are giving away the G13 seeds because G13 labs wants to get their name out there. If they thought their seeds sucked they wouldn't give away trash for free knowing they made no money then everyone who grows them out says they suck. Not a good business plan. I doubt they are REZ or Sag quality genetics but hey, they are free.

siLky joHNsoN

Well-Known Member
alright i just got two strains...plus the free ones...g13 looks pretty good...i am just glad they are free, but reading about them they sound like they are no joke either..i've got faith! haha


Well-Known Member
Good thing I don't sell... that would be stupid!

Here's an update on the free Power Skunk.. All the tall plants are either topped Power Skunk or Thai Skunk. A bunch of AK47 x Lowryder #2 are now interspersed as well. The skunks are all at least 3 feet tall.. flowering for almost 2 weeks now with definite female hairs at 1 week. Can't even fit them in the picture very well.

I guess if you like Skunk... these seeds seem good from my perspective. They grow like weeds!

The plants are a bit droopy in these pics--just watered right before snapping them. Plus I'm running the temps a bit high with the addition of CO2... smells so fucking good :weed:

to nvirgo: I see your concern.. but it's really not needed here.. and it sucks to have people remind us about .. .something that is a fact, but not anything you can do about it. If the feds really wanted to, they could wrap up everyone on this site. As far as worrying about the feds shutting down seed banks... they can't touch those guys. Besides.. this is hardly the thread to start this discussion in... there are many other actual seedbank threads with links.



Well-Known Member
sorry for being a dick, but when you think all is good, is when you get popped. I want to be able to buy seeds too. just pm each other. is it that that big of a deal? if you don't think theres people on here just to bust us, your crazy.

and yea i said YOUS instead of use. big deal cocksucker.