G2-800w PARmaxx parabolic refraction integrated full spectrum LED grow light - 4x4 cr

I bought two of these lights and it got to the point were I wanted my money back. The customer service sucks big time. No one ever answers the phone, and these lights shipped directly from china. They state that they will ship the same day that payment is received, but that did not happen. I e-mailed several times asking for shipping info and tracking info with no answer. I felt uneasy having just spent 2400 dollars on these lights. I felt scammed until 8 days later I finally received the shipping info. The shipping was free and they arrived in 5 days. They weight about 35 pounds but they look like they are made pretty well. I have one set up but have not used it yet. I really hope these lights are great and I will be watching this thread to get some tips. Sorry to hi-jack your thread.
I bought two of these lights and it got to the point were I wanted my money back. The customer service sucks big time. No one ever answers the phone, and these lights shipped directly from china. They state that they will ship the same day that payment is received, but that did not happen. I e-mailed several times asking for shipping info and tracking info with no answer. I felt uneasy having just spent 2400 dollars on these lights. I felt scammed until 8 days later I finally received the shipping info. The shipping was free and they arrived in 5 days. They weight about 35 pounds but they look like they are made pretty well. I have one set up but have not used it yet. I really hope these lights are great and I will be watching this thread to get some tips. Sorry to hi-jack your thread.

Do you have a lux meter or an iPhone to roughly test the output of these lights? I can get about 15,000-16,000 lux from a single LED chip I bought from Bridgelux, they where about $50 each plus shipping. That is white light though and you need a decent constant current power source and a large heat-sink to run them, but if you gave me 2400 dollars to build a panel, I think you would be quite impressed with the intensity possible with the latest LED chips.

I have started a thread where I am testing some of these new LED's in a almost completely custom setup, total spent so far on everything is about $500 or so, a few freebies but still the prices they are charging for these panels is almost ridiculous when you realize what they consist of.

Thread is here if you care to have a look:

Thanks big max...you just proved how easy it is to give a little helpful info. I hope they work well for you, that is a substantial investment
Day1 vs Day3, I was going through the pics I have been taking and thought this was pretty interesting.

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I have experienced some explosive veg growth under leds, but I've never seen growth that explosive, but then I only used ~ 40w for veg. I may have to rethink how much light to toss at my currently vegging seedlings

If this is really 3 days and not 2+ weeks, they're gonna sell a lot of lights
^^^^ Well its only about $1200 to try it out.

I can do a lot more with $1200, but for someone who is not handy

Drop by my led thread to see what I've managed under ~ 110 led watts of ordinary 5000K + 3000K tubes. It was/is an experiment that worked out quite well for the investment.

My plan for my new thread is to double the wattage during flower in 2 x 4 x 5 tent, although I expect to be using 2 x 2 panels instead of tubes
Really good start to this grow. I will be watching. :)

Thought about getting some cheap emergency blankets (mylar) to reflect some of the light back..? Seems to be a bit light leaky... :)

I hear what you are saying Chronikool but due to the height restrictions and the final close proximity of the light source to the final plant height I doubt that any light reflected from mylar or panda film would add any significant gains to this grow. The reason I went with led is 100% based on the height restrictions. To sum it up, if this led doesn't work in this space then I have to look for another place to grow. No way would it be worth firing up a hid grow in this type of environment.
Things are going pretty smooth, plants are ready for another tie down session today. I'm going to take all the wires off and put the plants back into the original arrangement from day one so you can see the amount of growth that has happened. One note for anyone growing under leds is that you obviously dont need to water the plants nearly as much as you would under hps. I'm actually kind of worried about the amount of water still in the pots, don't want root rot!

Here are the plants from this morning.

figured I'd take an overhead (as overhead as it gets anyways) pic to use for the baseline for the growth. I will take a pic from the same angle every couple of days so the new growth can be determined. Way easier this way.

"Wow" at that 24h shot.

Wait, dude, wtf? I just came in here like two hours ago and all this shit wasn't here. "Did I just go through a worm hole, or something?" He's got like hours of growth per minute.
Here is that pic of the plants all untied and put back to their original position I said I would post. So this would be a 5 day growth comparison.

figured I'd take an overhead (as overhead as it gets anyways) pic to use for the baseline for the growth. I will take a pic from the same angle every couple of days so the new growth can be determined. Way easier this way.

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Nice. I can feel them calling out to you, thanking you for the great care.

well done so far, not that you need to care what I think, I mean "Who" am I?