New Member
I would have no problem whatsoever if we had one world govt. It just needs to be a responsible one world govt.

Same here man, it sounds great. But look at how governments always become corrupt. A one world government gives too much power to whoever controls it.I would have no problem whatsoever if we had one world govt. It just needs to be a responsible one world govt.
Yes, type "A"s have been the bane of humanity, that's for sure, but it is always the type "A"s that bully their way to the top, the football stars, the popular types in H.S., all those chosen ones who had money and popularity. The type "B"s, decideds to go along and are now the slaves of the type "A"s. How could this be changed? I personally don't see as the type "A"s have any IQ advantage. What they have is confidence instilled in them by their stature in life. Example: If your parents care about you and have a little or a lot above average income, you will be well dressed with all the "IN" clothes. You will undoubtably be more proficient in sports and more popular with the girls. This leads one to be more succesful in life. Having well to do parents doesn't hurt either.How about we have mandatory personality tests for all candidates. No type A personalities are allowed in top positions of decision making.
We keep them to do the paperwork.
You're right. Eugenics exists, therefore we cannot have a safe one world government. This is being set up for global genocide.No way world government is not good. We can't govern even small nations properly why would we want to give absolute power to a small group of people. Least of all polititions. Hell no, No human or group of humans should have that kind of power. Especially when these people think the world is overpopulated that begs the question well what do we do about it? Kill the useless eaters? Fuck them. We are not animals to be culled. How dare they believe that.
This is the talk of eugenisists and nazi's. I go to great lengths to seperate my religion from my politics. But I believe evey human is sacred a beutiful creature self aware and with a soul. Who has the right to kill a man who has hurt no one, Just because he is here? This is the moral delema with Abortion, where does it end?? You start thinking of Man as just another animal to be regulated. Well who does the regulating?? Men.
No we don't need world government for the same reason we don't need a big government in the US. Eventually that government will fall into the hands of evil men then who can stand ageinst them? they have the worlds military. Any world government would be a Hitlers or Stalins Wet dream.
Its been proven that good looking people, especially tall good looking people, have a better chance at success than short, ugly people.Yes, type "A"s have been the bane of humanity, that's for sure, but it is always the type "A"s that bully their way to the top, the football stars, the popular types in H.S., all those chosen ones who had money and popularity. The type "B"s, decideds to go along and are now the slaves of the type "A"s. How could this be changed? I personally don't see as the type "A"s have any IQ advantage. What they have is confidence instilled in them by their stature in life. Example: If your parents care about you and have a little or a lot above average income, you will be well dressed with all the "IN" clothes. You will undoubtably be more proficient in sports and more popular with the girls. This leads one to be more succesful in life. Having well to do parents doesn't hurt either.
There are the exceptions, the average kid with a lot of drive and ambition that works his way up and gets recognition from the major players, but these are rather rare. Most just grow up and get a job and work their asses off untill they try and retire, and find their pensions gone to some bank in the Cayman Islands with some rich guys name on it. These are the people that will eventually start the revolution.
When the cops abandon their jobs to protect their own families, that's when you'll know the revolution is getting going. I'm thinking of putting a four ft. reinforced concrete wall around my house, as long as one slept on the floor they'd be safe from small arms fire. Helicopter gunships are another matter.