Ok I will delete the previous post in a sec... cool brother you have salt build up. Using that Dairy Doo soil right... here's what I would love for you to try: Pure water, no nutes, she needs a little flush. Organic, a flush is mostly going to cause more problems, so you need a probiotic treatment as much to lock up essential nutes as to go to work on any residual ammonia nitrogen in the soil. Top dress with two tablespoons Bokashi or Gro-Kashi, then a one inch straw mulch. Even better would be to mix the bokashi with a few hand fulls of earth worm castings or good home made compost. Top dress with pro biotics, mulch so the micro herd has every single opportunity to get ahead asap. After top dressing, every time you water, wait ten minutes, then water again. This ensures no salty pockets remain in the soil, no dry patches either. Watering twice is pretty essential for soil conditioning. If she doesnt look netter in seven days you might want to hold her back from flower.