actually n has devotion, baby breath, dream catcher cheaper than the tude.... and he has 10% discounts regularly and 20% sometimes...
dont have to worry about green tape... just went thru that... just glad they still had it in stock...
its just like archive and other breeders..
archive prices at midweeksong is all over the place. but at the zon, its pretty stable...
some places the exact product will be cheaper than others.
like exotic at n is cheaper than the tude... and without greentape
you just got to take advantage of whats cheaper...
harborside was sellin baby breath and others for 150...
herbies still have holy stic for 183 but n sold his for 125..
N just had plenty of ggg products for 80 when he had his 20% off...
just cant stop complaining...
now we have to tell N how to run N's business?