Gage Green Group Info Thread

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Dinoriders is one of the best movies ever made :) OK OK super hyperbole there. But I fucking loved that movie.

be ready for the breeders stash at the N

EDIT: they will be pricey.... 200-250

3-4 might be my limit
Hell no! I was like "naw man no clue what it could be; I've been running my ac more?! yeah I'm baffled! Weird!"

He totally didn't believe me. But I admit nothing.

All plants moved from the offending room. I couldn't no matter how much I tried fit everything. I had to kill 4 plants. 2 were 3 weeks in and were total shit and giggle plants. Seedsman exodus cheese and skinny genes beans some 4 way plant cross. The exodus cheese looked weak and had no smell or trichs yet, the other had the most fucked up mutant leaves I've ever seen once it hit flower (there was blueberry blast in there somewhere.) So no harm other than they were huge. Also had to toss a super tangie and a cheese and chaze that looked great. :(

Saved exotic and green beanz (best looking plants out of everyone), cannaventure, GGG and bodhi and some clone onlys. The scrog level is so fucked up now :( Hey though if you're in this game and can't improvise; You're fucked right?

Best part: "we've been getting a lot of slow service complaints from hardcore gamers and online gamblers in your neighborhood":cuss::finger:


i'm dying lool i'm a hardcore gamer when my internet don't work properly i go crazy against the provider i must admit i'm like that but i can't believe what's happening to you it's the first time i heard that i will be sure to be careful since i'm planning to run at least 2 tent here i'm better watch out and buy good materiel even if it's expensive or simply go to led since they are low cost to use and no ballast and no heat but the coverage ain't like hps or mh

i'm dying lool i'm a hardcore gamer when my internet don't work properly i go crazy against the provider i must admit i'm like that but i can't believe what's happening to you it's the first time i heard that i will be sure to be careful since i'm planning to run at least 2 tent here i'm better watch out and buy good materiel even if it's expensive or simply go to led since they are low cost to use and no ballast and no heat but the coverage ain't like hps or mh

Once I typed it into google I found a 12 page thread on this site about it happening to people. Such bullshit. In every possible scenario I've ever thought in my head of how you could get caught up my cable provider was never part of the equation.

I just pictured some 15 year old kid like, "Mem, the internet is being stupid and my warcraft is slow!"

Feck off kid I'm growing dank over here! :)
Thanks Beemo, you rep your fav crew real well! Lol. Boy what would i do without you? Oh yeah i can find the ggg gear quite well without your help, stop acting like your an ngr rep or admit that in fact they are your boys. Hope your ignoring me....

Ps. Ngr offering a discount on Babys breath or any other strain is not the same as jacking up prices temporarily and ripping off your loyal customers. Many sites put up stuff for sale or specials, none that last jack up prices temporarily and tell their customers to suck on it. Anyway i got ya, you think you're all smart and special and all cuz you got their back. Your either a loser or are tied into ngr somehow so thats that just live up to it
Thanks Beemo, you rep your fav crew real well! Lol. Boy what would i do without you? Oh yeah i can find the ggg gear quite well without your help, stop acting like your an ngr rep or admit that in fact they are your boys. Hope your ignoring me....

Ps. Ngr offering a discount on Babys breath or any other strain is not the same as jacking up prices temporarily and ripping off your loyal customers. Many sites put up stuff for sale or specials, none that last jack up prices temporarily and tell their customers to suck on it. Anyway i got ya, you think you're all smart and special and all cuz you got their back. Your either a loser or are tied into ngr somehow so thats that just live up to it

you better email gage n is raisin pricing again with those breeders pack.... you have got to be the biggest baby/loser here....
like i said before,, nobody bitchs about N other gear being cheaper then other places period...
what did N temporarily price jack? N can price it whatever N wants...
you mean ad hoc? it cost more on, ggg official site...
attitude is NOT the standard for bean pricing....

since N is raping customers and ggg knows about it.. why does n keep gettin new gear from them???
did you know they all hanged out at the cup???

i bet all that price bitchin you do... you still dont buy shit....

i've just told where people can get ggg on sale... just got a bunch of gear there....

i cant stop laughing when people call me a rep/tester... people here that know me here, know i SHOP EVERYWHERE.....
where do you got your information? because last time ive speak with mk4 he was saying they will not have price upgraded before a longtime and the breeder wasn't supposed to be more than 150$ or is it ngr that will aplly those price? just want to be sure don't take it bad im not starting a war

if you noticed. the breeders stash says private stock... but not all of them,, so some will return in the future, maybe at a cheaper price... some will not and be a one time release...
so those breeder packs arent in the same category as the premium packs/ regular packs..
i get my info from N...
mk was with n over the weekend..
I also have a hard head. Too much fucking work to shut down. He said it should be ok now and if my internet slows down at 10 it's still fucked. But my internet never slowed down in the first place. What I may do is move the 9 (trees) plants from that tent into my big main tent. It's gonna be very very very crowded but I think maybe I should shut down the 10-10 tent for awhile.

I'm leaving this house and looking to buy a place when the lease is up (october).

The first thing I will do is hire an electrician to give me ridiculous amounts of amperage. This sucks.

power company showed up at my house today and destroyed my driveway (gravel now dirt)
my greenhouse is stuffed about 3 over my limit .... i say fuck em . make em come fry a small fish . nooone cares ....IMO/IME
Thought you were ignoring me? A bunch of hot air coming from you Beemo. Exactly what i would expect. I hate disrupting this thread and out of respect to others i dont intend to keep this up. I just couldnt keep my mouth shut when little beemo has to mouth off like hes king know it all. Just shut up dude, everyone that knows what ngr did in that one instance knows it was bs. You just cant let it go cuz you think you know it all and your biased. I cant stand internet board tough guys like you. Yeah im a big baby, but im not the one that was still thinking about that past incident and decided to post on here months later about how i tough guy cleaned up the problem. That was you big guy. Who is the baby?. Ps keep posting up those big emotocons that is really busting my chops lol!!!! I could do this all day to someone like you but i have to be strong and cut this off. Sorry to everyone else that wants piece, i swear i do too but its hard with some people....
I hate disrupting this thread and out of respect to others i dont intend to keep this up. I just couldnt keep my mouth shut when little beemo has to mouth off like hes king know it all. Just shut up dude, everyone that knows what ngr did in that one instance knows it was bs. You just cant let it go cuz you think you know it all and your biased. I cant stand internet board tough guys like you. Yeah im a big baby, but im not the one that was still thinking about that past incident and decided to post on here months later about how i tough guy cleaned up the problem. That was you big guy. Who is the baby?. Ps keep posting up those big emotocons that is really busting my chops lol!!!! I could do this all day to someone like you but i have to be strong and cut this off. Sorry to everyone else that wants piece, i swear i do too but its hard with some people....

its like talkin to a wall with you...
umm maybe your the one NOT letting go...
look at how many pissed off customers at the ngr thread???? YOUR a JOKE!!
WHY THE FUCK IS GGG still messing with N???? you got have NOTHING for that...
if N fucked me,, you guys will be the first to KNOW...

why am i arguing with an ACTIVE MEMBER?
Thought you were ignoring me? A bunch of hot air coming from you Beemo. Exactly what i would expect. I hate disrupting this thread and out of respect to others i dont intend to keep this up. I just couldnt keep my mouth shut when little beemo has to mouth off like hes king know it all. Just shut up dude, everyone that knows what ngr did in that one instance knows it was bs. You just cant let it go cuz you think you know it all and your biased. I cant stand internet board tough guys like you. Yeah im a big baby, but im not the one that was still thinking about that past incident and decided to post on here months later about how i tough guy cleaned up the problem. That was you big guy. Who is the baby?. Ps keep posting up those big emotocons that is really busting my chops lol!!!! I could do this all day to someone like you but i have to be strong and cut this off. Sorry to everyone else that wants piece, i swear i do too but its hard with some people....

Where have I seen those oversized smilies before?... Hmmmmm. ?
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