Gage Green Group Info Thread

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Ah man, I am fine. It's just weird how shit can get like this. I like most of you folks even having the pleasure of meeting some from this board and others and really don't get why we act this way. I'd bet if we were chilling in a park or meet up, busting out joints, we'd probably have a great time and enjoy each others company. I was interested in Gage gear, still am, but damn this thread took a turn for the worst
m4k, half of the problems are your strain descriptions describing the pheno found once in 2+ packs! i myself want og and those seem to be the rarity. use your testers more wisely in my opinion. describe the phenos that are the norm. thanks for listening!

while i got your attention i need blackberry pie, any info is appreciated!
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Problem with public forums is level of public access and so many different ages, cultures, countries and back grounds mixed together in one giant melting pot. People will clash it's human nature. But aren't we all just stoners here?? We should really rise above petty pointless fall outs.

No one should have an ego over growing this sacred plant, you're only a god to your grow room/garden. Your not a god to your fellow growers and piers lol. Weather you've got one, five or fifty years experience we're all aiming for the same common goal. Passion & love for the worlds favorite plant. If someone has just started you give that person a hand up, as the more people who grow the more people there will be that will fight for that right. Respect each other more and we can all evolve for the better :peace:.

Anybody who needs to know more about what the breeding team are working on, or if you need strain advice or release news, seed issues or just to shoot the shit & chill, then come by our forum. We aim for a mature and chill spot with like minded individuals. No matter who's brand gear your running feel free to post some of your work and get to know the community. No hate but love & tolerate and get to know real people who aren't just throwing their dick around to look cool lol 8)

All feedback is welcome and I know there has been some bad blood in this thread. We don't encourage that fanboy kinda thing and our testers should know they are represent the GGG brand - people will ask questions, it's what these tests are for. And if somethings not right it needs to be addressed and it will get worked out professionally. Keyplay & M4k are always working to improve upon their work and it all counts for their notes. Everybody has different tastes and we all enjoy our own likes, but there isn't any need to hate on someone for not liking what you like :roll:. bout the weather..been real nice out..think im gonna go dig a few holes sunday for my outdoor patch.the lucky girls are 3 to 4ft inside right now:-) might dig an extra hole for my ltXog jo.

i can feel you bro i will also do it but mine ain't tall as yours they only have 5 days old:evil: , you gonna make some monster grow outside will you do it with supersoil?
Look at the difference in node spacing from the plant on the left and right. I'm thinking tossing the bitch with 8 " gaps. She was the runt, but actually grew the tallest. Super stretch, tall and lanky.


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Boys seriously, I am super un-stoned and about to ask Sunni to join us on this thread. There will be bans, threads will get locked. I am trying my best to be tolerant here. Seeing everybody's side and working to get you kids to connect. WTF. Do we not have an enemy in common already?! Is it not enough being persecuted for setting plants on fire and inhaling?

I want to be direct with each of you:

Genuity, my friend, you are a little above all of this. The people that matter know who you are and love you for what you do, the rest of them do not matter. You already choose to not be part of the canna biz simply because you prefer purity to status or even a reliable income. What is happening here, it is polluting your mission. Don't let these fellas get under your skin. You are an inspiration mate.

Gud, you fucking nutter ROFL... We can all but wish to have your total freedom some day. It threatens lots of people, semi-sheep that cannot understand why you do not conform to the hippie mold. They will always lose their pips because you do not fit the generic dope-smoker picture that they would love to tell the world we all are. PEACE MAN... Like... whoaaaaa... Just keep on keeping on. I know your meds reach a lot of people and do a lot of good. Never change, keep sayin it like it is.

Amos, you need to seriously, SERIOUSLY, grow up a tad. How you went after Brek on the Bodhi thread, how you just FLIP with zero warning... You need help man. You have an inability to let sleeping dogs lie. You go picking at sores where it really is not needed. You must be one insecure fella. Seriously, Amos, I have been watching you for months. You like to talk off a pedestal, you talk AT people not to them. I find it highly disrespectful and quite shameful really. Stop picking fights and then pretending you are the nice guy JUST because you got others to freak out more. No matter how much people try to find a peaceful resolution, there is Amos, like a little kid using a short stick to tickle a lion's balls.

StOw, what can I say. Leading by example as always. We can all take a cue from your humble, interested and caring attitude. Thanks for ALWAYS trying to understand what the other person is saying, and responding accordingly. You also measure out your emotions just right. Much respect. Pro sports must do some good.

GreenGhost... I have to say I think you jump in on arguments where there is no need. You are a very high-energy cat, that is to be greatly admired. I just think it can be spent a bit differently than arguing with us old jaded hippies. You are young and definitely heading places. Forget the BS. Focus on the DANK. You are a very intelligent person, I do not understand why that immense intellect needs to be put to use in arguments?

Tonight You... Man, it must SUCK for you on this thread. Of all people here I just feel sorry for you man. You don't have any beef with anybody, but I can tell this is REALLY getting under your skin too. I always feel shit for the nice guy sitting in the corner listening to everybody else go off at each other. So thanks so much for sticking it out as long as you have. Just hanging about, being normal. I really do appreciate it mate.

SkunkMunkie... MASSIVE RESPECT. I don't know how you find the time, but you always do. Thanks for bringing the good info to the table. And always that super-calm vibe too.

Fellas, I think we can all see how the people that actually REALLY represent Gage conduct themselves. That would be m4k, and Skunkmunkie. The rest of us are being pretty fucking damaging to them. I speak to Munkie often, and let me tell you the guys at Gage are working their fingers to the bone.

I heard today they even design and print their own packaging. EVERYTHING is done in-house. So there they are, a team of 4 people if you include Bank Of Gage, working themselves to exhaustion to bring us great genetics. And here we are, pissing all over their good name.

I got so upset I had to go split logs. I actually split my chopping block. First log. So yeah. You guys are making me feel a tad overloaded. Which is fine, a lot is going to get done tomorrow manual labor wise.

But please now. Like I said, you are all great people and should be able to get along just fine. So please try.

I really have no need to remind you fellas that we are within a hair's breadth of this thread being locked. Ask Gud what happens when shit goes too far.

Thank you for the kind words MH, but I'm as guilty as anyone for derailing this thread, sooooooo.

Genuity: when its all said and done I really have no beef with you. There are some things that we will have to agree to disagree on, but beyond that its all cool in my book. Your plants/pics are all wonderful looking and healthy, so for that I tip my cap to you.

I will leave this thread be so that it can stay focused on GGG gear. I'm not growing any ATM, so why be a distraction? I do have to ask though, did I miss something between Amos and brek? I read most of what transpired (I think), and I didn't find Amos to be the agitator in that exchange. Quite the opposite actually. I have no dog in this fight, and it's really just petty on line stuff (like the last few pages of this thread), but I don't think the criticism being thrown at him is warranted.:confused:

Anyway, good vibes to you all and have a fun-filled long weekend!bongsmilie
i can feel you bro i will also do it but mine ain't tall as yours they only have 5 days old:evil: , you gonna make some monster grow outside will you do it with supersoil?
im thinking i will ammend the soil,but ill be able to feed and top dress once a week...ive got a kali mist also im putting out when shes 4ft..should be 14ft by fall!
I would like to apologize to m4k, Skunkmunkie, Keyplay, Sy at BoG, and the rest of the Gage boys. I brought your company to light in an atmosphere where perhaps the good guys should not be represented. Munkie, you are right, the interwebs is one helluva crazy place.

I love the Gage family. I am grateful to them for many, many reasons, most importantly being the friendships that are growing.

This is why I created this thread. I felt that everybody on this planet deserves to feel the love I have felt as a direct result of dealing with the Gage fam. It is a blessing. It has enriched my life, it has enhanced the quality thereof. Munkie, it is going to be hard for me to not become a 'fan boy'. You treat me very well. It is a deep loyalty I feel, and Genuity feels the same thing.

Genuity, I have learned that this loyalty puts us at risk of strong emotional reactions. As somebody that in reality DOES represent Gage Green, me and you cannot afford hot emotions. The last thing we want is bad vibes over this movement we love (Gage is a movement back towards love and respect guys, it is more than just weed).

This thread was a bad idea. Quite frankly, it is stretching Gage's resources (Munkie's time is a resource fellas) and creating tension during what is an exciting time for them. Tomorrow is a new drop.

But what is done is done. It is here now.

So may I make a request? Can we all perhaps get together and BY NAME just straighten things out. On a personal level. Up front and in public the way we have argued.

So to the rest of you:
Genuity, I could see you getting frustrated. I apologize for not having your back. I ignored it and that was wrong. I should have been there for you to ease the tension.
StOw, it is unfair of me to hold you up as an example. You are a friggin good one though. But going 'hey everybody this guy is better than you fellas' is wrong. We could all see that. I was acting like a high school teacher. Bad style.
Amos, yeah I must admit I enjoy picking on you in subtle ways. I don't know why. Also not cool of me I know. Gotta come out and say it straight.
Gud, you can stand up for yourself 100 percent. I should not have gone and meddled trying to explain somthing people are going to understand eventually anyhow. It only served to divide us all even further. Putting you in a tougher spot and all. Reflecting on it, never actually a good move standing up for any body.
kgp, We might have had our disagreement, but I like how you think and I admire your work. I really should make an effort to get to know you better, I did promise I would. Also looking back on this thread, I think you are the fella that handled a strong opinion the best. See you on your next thread.

I feel a responsibility towards this thread. I have asked for some help getting all the info I need, and I will be putting together a little package to share among the testers so we are a little more prepared. I feel responsible for bringing accurate information forward. I accepted the testing gig with open arms, and I am taking it very seriously.

If it means some extra work, I really do not mind. If the general public expects us testers to have all the information, well, I will make sure I have all the information.

So to eveybody - My final apology is for stating 'that I am not officially affiliated with Gage' which was in a sense a shrugging off of responsibility (one I did not expect) which was total BS. I now accept that responsibility, and will be working diligently to fix the damage caused as a direct result of me creating this thread.

I love all of you.
good replys.....

m4k & keyplay...i grow these guys beans,cause they are good guys in my eyes....
i talk to m4k on a reg,he knows how i stand.i was growing GGG befor testing for them..i'm no rep,and no one is,but m4k & keyplay. i'm just a grower of the fine genetics they bless me with.

ham,you have not done any wrong at all,this thread is good,and it's what happens to most bean company threads...

stOwandgrow,never had any bad things to say about any post i have seen you make,all good info by my eyes.. may want to try some DOG<<<<very og>>>>but not GGG

old run of plat.bubba x joe og
plat.bubba x joOG 057.JPG
plat.bubba x joOG 062.JPG

popping more of these real soon.
plat.bubba x joOG 002.JPG
these are some powerhouse smoke,very strong on the mind & body.
WHAT??? Strawberry charas???? That would be because the Strain Hunters took seeds to Parvati and fucked up your land races... It will be nice for a few years, the what happened here in South Africa, the recessive shit surfaces and you lose your good ganja.
Right on. If I was in India this is what I would do: Find a hippie traveler, most knowledgeable are German, French and Israeli. They will know where the quality is.
When searching for the top grades, look for where Dollars or Euros are spent mate, not Rupee...
out of all these beans,im really only wanting the ch.ak x og...i know the rest will be good,but the ch.ak x og is some damn fine nug.
Soooo.... anybody have any info on the new strains.. Hands on experience with like crosses? Solid info on the gs og?!!
got my lemon thai X og jo and some pepper swazi beans today! took forever..will be popping them most likely @The End of the alot going on in my grow right now..anyone got some hints/experience on these strains?
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