Gaia green organic

Light are here!!!

2240 watts of top bin led lm301b
5824 umol total in 5' ×9'
Overkill lol 50000 lux to 60000 every where

Days 0 12/12
There so much light that i dont fell like lolipop this shot but there very squat 1 .

Keep it green
Hps side did not veg so good
7 days 12/12

Sleeping ...cold
The 2 in the front are some gorrila glue
Tester from native seed bullshit compagnie
I am waiting on my orer of seeds from oregon elite seeds

Irie : arise 5reg
Irie : Dragon punch 5 reg

Some more tester ...
I found the Gaia Green products to be an absolute lifesaver. When the so-called "living soil" (StepWell Soil) ran out of nutes really quickly, the emergency top-dressing of Gaia Green Power Bloom saved the day. I saw the plants pick up in days.
I have some Dr Earth on hand. I really like Down to Earth Organic. Nothing is ever a perfect substitute for anything else in the world of organic fertilizers, though. Different sources for different nutrients are going to break down and become bioavailable at different rates, making different blends react differently over time.
That said, Matt does some pretty great grows and copying someone with good results is a good place to start, but even he changes up the formula a little from one grow to the next. The goal is to learn how to read your plants and respond to what they tell you they need. Don't get too hooked on doing exactly the same thing he's doing because there are going to be subtle differences even from one pheno to another what their nutritional wants will be. If you experiment enough, you could be the next grower the newbies are copying.

I do love growing with organic fert in coco, though, and I use the heck out of some autopots to make it practically hands off. I've played a bit with blumats, too, and love them. Worth checking out.
Lol I do nothing like Matt@ read before posting all of it please ...Lol
I have some Dr Earth on hand. I really like Down to Earth Organic. Nothing is ever a perfect substitute for anything else in the world of organic fertilizers, though. Different sources for different nutrients are going to break down and become bioavailable at different rates, making different blends react differently over time.
That said, Matt does some pretty great grows and copying someone with good results is a good place to start, but even he changes up the formula a little from one grow to the next. The goal is to learn how to read your plants and respond to what they tell you they need. Don't get too hooked on doing exactly the same thing he's doing because there are going to be subtle differences even from one pheno to another what their nutritional wants will be. If you experiment enough, you could be the next grower the newbies are copying.

I do love growing with organic fert in coco, though, and I use the heck out of some autopots to make it practically hands off. I've played a bit with blumats, too, and love them. Worth checking out.
Lol I do nothing like Matt@ read before posting all of it please ...Lol

I did read it all. "Nothing like" is a bit of a stretch. You use promix and he uses coco, so there's a difference. After that, you're using the same fertilizers in the same ratios, and if you've watched his newest vid, you'll see he's even using the compost tea and dolomite lime like you. Sounds at least somewhat similar.
Nope i change Everything ...

.i use reuse promix with compost the same for 3 years now
I add perlite and (lime each 6month)
I use only 4-4-4 in the first mix then i top dress every 3 week not monthly and i use the tea just to help the soil kicking in the begining not for feeding ...

Ur saying like is not good to copy a grow im not copying anything I am trying stuff ...have a good night.
I did read it all. "Nothing like" is a bit of a stretch. You use promix and he uses coco, so there's a difference. After that, you're using the same fertilizers in the same ratios, and if you've watched his newest vid, you'll see he's even using the compost tea and dolomite lime like you. Sounds at least somewhat similar.

And i give way more 4-4-4 to 2-8-4 ratio i like my plant to stay green .

I topdress way more then him and my light intensity is way more strong then him .

Coco and (reuse promix with compost )is 2 different thang brotha ...

i just like the way he was doing thing but still i like more the way i do mine i dont let my girl starve never i like them fat and green .

The last top dress at week 5 will be only the 2-8-4

After 12 years of growing my buds i love to change my way off doing things sometime still have a ton of dry fert on hand...that i will use when i finish 25kg left of gaia green

If the gaia green dont give me better result
If not ill stick to simple 2 bags couple topdress here we go organic water only ...
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Coco and (reuse promix with compost )is 2 different thang brotha ...

With the way Matt grows, he uses coco as if it were soil. When people talk about coco growing, I'm used to seeing people run-to-waste with chemical nutrients. When you're mixing organic fertilizers and bennies into your coco, isn't it basically just soil at that point? Soil is basically just minerals, organic matter, and microbes.

But I do agree with you that they need more N than he uses. I spent quite a bit of time at the local gardening store looking through NPK's and found the Down to Earth Rose & Flower at 4-8-4 which has been great for flower and leaves room for me to boost K with molasses while feeding the microbes.
When you're mixing organic fertilizers and bennies into your coco, isn't it basically just soil at that point?

I would say no, the way the plants grow in each is quite different.

Don't see many coco/dry amendment grows online. Definitely haven't seen one anything like the beautiful work swedsteven is doing here. Makes me question the method, proof is in the pudding you know? Let's see some journals from someone who isn't making money for the views.

Anyway, sorry to derail the thread.
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My plant are loosing there deep green and some off my bottom fan leaf are showing sing of nitrogen demand

-Let top dress half cup of 4-4-4

Next grow I will give half 4-4-4 half 2-8-4 all the way exept for the first mix only 4-4-420191208_190041.jpg20191208_185943.jpg
Week 4
They are bigger them when i use Syntetic nute.
Led 55 000 lux to 75 000 lux pushing it !

Hps plant are getting Syntetic nute
45 000 lux top
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Week 5
I top dress with half cup off the 2-8-4 before yesterday
Hps side megacrop dry nutrient
Right now im scratching the first inch off soil so all my amendment that i top dress get mix in the soil they where becoming a hard "galette "on top .

See ya next week .
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