Galaxy God Bud 9 weekds Flower Pic Update.


Well-Known Member
Wow! Awsome looking colas! She looks real healthy too, you did a good job with her! Alot of us have been looking into BCSeeds and have been wanting to see if the price is justified. Please give us a harvest report and a smoke report too.


i have got some jedi 41 from them at 1 week flowering . When they get a little farther along ill post some pics!...I hope they were worth the money lol


Well-Known Member
Hey Buddreams, I just checked out your journal and it would appear that plant was in week 6 of vegetation yesterday? Did I miss something?


Active Member
i have got some jedi 41 from them at 1 week flowering . When they get a little farther along ill post some pics!...I hope they were worth the money lol
Yea, other than what bcseeds claims about their products on the website. Because, most of it is outrageous. I like what they deliver.

We orderd Blue tooth for 90USD and recieved 10 BT seeds, Along with 12 Galaxy God bud seeds, which listed for 160USD as our freebies.

Well we got all BT females from the first round, and 2 GGB males. We have polinated one female with the "best" GGB male.

We now have 10 Blue Galaxy God's tooth seeds.

Preliminary smoke reports from the bud we collected seeds from is very good. we knew from the first hit blue tooth was decent smoke. Was it worth 90USD for 10 seeds alone? I don't know. Was it worth it since i got two strains and 22 seeds. Yea, i dig it.

Since that was my 1st seed purchase ever, I went out and decided to spend the 4-500USD that i would have spent on their other genetics on some "known" quality.

I'll be better prepared with a smoke report once we've got them chopped and cured proper.


Active Member
Hey Buddreams, I just checked out your journal and it would appear that plant was in week 6 of vegetation yesterday? Did I miss something?
yea lol, I split the seed order with a close friend and they got started before i did. So i'm doing pic's from that grow.

My personal grow is about 6 weeks now :P Your very observant though, Thanks for taking a look at the journal.