Gallup: America voted biggest threat to world peace

You have no idea what world peace even or if it is possible,, or how to get it or how to keep it if you did.

There is simply no such thing, and never has been. And without the USA there would be no Prosperity in this world only the New Dark Ages of Islam.

Europe was bending over to Islam until we came along and took back the Med.
When did we come along and take back the Med?
No shoulder pads in baseball. Only person with pads is the catcher and its a chest protector. They also have hard plastic shin guards as well. It hurts getting hit with a 90+ mph fastball that can go over 100mph. Batters wear helmets for the same reason.

yeh you right about that, i forgot about the helmets in baseball
they throw that thing with some power don't they

that ball would break your face lol
No shoulder pads in baseball. Only person with pads is the catcher and its a chest protector. They also have hard plastic shin guards as well. It hurts getting hit with a 90+ mph fastball that can go over 100mph. Batters wear helmets for the same reason.

A 90mph fastball that goes 100mph? That's crazy.
Seriously, I think Gallup is the biggest threat to world peace.

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- People living in Iraq, the Palestinian Territories, Bahrain, and a few other Middle Eastern countries are among the most likely worldwide to experience a lot of negative emotions on a daily basis, according to Gallup's Negative Experience Index. Iraq's score of 59 on the index in 2011 -- which is based on respondents' reports of experiencing anger, stress, worry, sadness, and physical pain -- is the highest in the world. The Palestinian Territories placed a distant second with a score of 43.
Only in Orwellian double-think is a Western thought poll, asked in the Muslim lands, "information."

"Muslim lands"...


The global barometer of hope and despair is an annual tradition initiated by and designed under the chairmanship of Dr. George Gallup in 1977. It is conducted every year since then. This year it was carried out by associates of WIN-Gallup International in 65 countries around the world.

Sample Size and Mode of Field Work:

In each country a national probability sample of around 1000 men and women was interviewed either face to face (34 countries), via telephone (11 countries) or online (20 countries). Details are attached. The field work was conducted during September 2013 - December 2013. In general the error margin for surveys of this kind is +3-5% at 95% confidence level.

The global average has been computed according to the share of the covered adult population of the surveyed countries."

Yeah, so you were saying?
A 90mph fastball that goes 100mph? That's crazy.

Nolan Ryan could throw it 102 mph. He didn't throw every fastball at 102 though. You vary your speeds to throw the hitter off.

The batter starts getting close to hitting the 95mph fastball, he would crank it up higher and throw the batters timing off.

Then you throw in the curve and really fuck with his timing. Lol