Game play - Guess the number of Buds


This is our first grow and we didn't think to count till just the other night ---- What is your guess?? We are counting only what sticks up through the screen... Most/All can be seen from the pictures.

Wish us luck - we have about 3-4 weeks to go - SO Excited!!! Thanks for everyone's help who spent time with all my newbie questions. Much love.



Active Member
Somewhere around 110......did I win?
+rep for hell of a first grow :clap:

Edit: Must spread rep around apparently.


Thanks! We've had our share of problems, for sure. I'll wait for a few more guesses to tell the answer.
Appreciate the rep +


Very nice for a first grow I to will be starting my first grow real soon and can only hope I yeild as much as you have. But I vam going to say about 137


Well-Known Member
Whether it's 100 or 130 doesn't matter, you are my new hero. Amazing work, nice and neat. You gotta be kidding me with that 1st time grow thing :D


Thanks so much! I swear, its our first grow.... Unless u count the closet grow on CFLs about 10 years ago.... I feel warm & fuzzy but this what spending hours upon hours of reading roll it up...

The official count is:.........


Lol, Ur math was almost on the money.... There is 174 there... Amazing because it doesn't look like it, we counted three times... The winner gets, a big kiss. SMMMMOOOOOOCH!
Thanks everyone for the kind words.