Well-Known Member
I dont mind the dash they have right now but that new one looks clean.
maybe he means this?

I dont mind the dash they have right now but that new one looks clean.
maybe he means this?
only for exclusives, cross platform games stay the same size and are dumbed down for wii.
Yea that's why drakes looks amazing
Xbox has failed at securing it's network too....where do you people get this "graphics suck on xbox" bullshit from? i watch netflix movies and play games in 1080p and that shit is crystal clear and smooth.
you must not have a nice tv or not know how to use your tv settings.
nobody can back their shit up lol, why buy from a company who can't even properly secure its network?
Xbox has failed at securing it's network too....
Xbox has failed at securing it's network too....
Lol, don't get mad cuz it's true.oh fuck off, i'm too cold to argue.
GWN buy an xbox, pre order battlefield 3 and pick it up on the 25th, i'll add you and we can fuck shit up on live.
How is ps3 better than xbox 360?
1) xbox doesn't have blu-ray
2) you have to pay money to play online for the 360
3) No surfing the web on the 360
4)Ps3 is cheaper
5)Killzone 2, Uncharted 2, Heavy Rain, God Of War III, M.A.G ,Gran Turismo 5, Metal Gear Solid 4, InFamous, White Knight Chronicles, Heavenly Sword, Resistance 2, MotorStorm 1 and 2, Ratchet and clank.
Lol, don't get mad cuz it's true.
only thing the ps3 has that the xbox doesnt is that blu-ray. id rather pay 20 bucks every 3 months and not have to deal with constantly gettin kicked outa games just cause the host left and it cant migrate. ps3 doesnt have the party capability and im pretty sure they dont have the espn thing either. i like that not many people have mics on ps3 tho so i dont have to hear little kids talk shit like they're adults. i got enough shit that can surf the web on i dont need that on my box and yea some of those games are good, but i got my xbox back in the day for halo and ive never turned back even tho i grew up playin playstation. i like the xbox controller better too
The only game that I play that can't connect to another host is COD, so that doesn't effect me since I'm a BF player. Everything else listed is just based off personal taste,. My taste is just for Sony. The only reason I would get an xbox is for halo.
ive always thought so to lolHalo blows