Gamers on RIU ?

i would image real gamers dislike the industry for the way it goes about its business. makin you pay for every little dlc or add ons. i play only a handful of games an mainly fps, but i play all kinda games overall. i also understand game mechanics just cause of how shitty they can be at times. seems like you enjoy games for graphics more than gameplay. imo the most challengin games are multiplayer fps, fightin games, sports, an certain rts games. thats what makes games fun to me.


As an artist, I appreciate good graphics, but a good game can combine beautiful artwork with quality gameplay. I like a game that I can sink my teeth into, that is mentally challenging and can at times feel like you're reading a really good novel.

I can appreciate the very simple, instant-gratification, task-reward type games that are simulation games. I say they are simple with regard to the mechanics or gameplay elements in them, not their difficulty. I know an accurate sports sim can involve almost as much skill as the real thing.

I don't understand? Why are game mechanics shitty?

I seriously recommend all of you read Rules of Play: Game Design Fundamentals, which outlines the psychology of play, what makes a game- complex concepts and, ultimately, trains of decisions that games entail.

Also, Homo Ludens, which just explores the psychology of meaningful play and how it relates to general logic applied to anything else in the world.

'Gameplay' is a complex thing, with many more elements than one would initially think. The things you process subconsciously whilst playing a game, the things going on and hypothetical strings of questions being simultaneously asked and answered when trying to code a game from the ground up...

I do not enjoy games for graphical content only. I don't think alot of people realize how incredibly complex 'games' and 'play' are as concepts.
I do believe far as gameplay and story wise,the PS3 does not compete with it's middle and older brother's the PS1 and PS2,if you like pretty graphics,and small little details then the PS3 is right for you,I have one,but I rarely play it,but honestly the PS3 game creators focus way too much on the graphics then they do on the gameplay.You get beautiful graphics and about a couple of hours of gameplay,but don't get me wrong,their has been a few good games for the PS3,but the PS2 and PS1 games had you playing for damn nere days,to me it's all about quality over quanity.
For me PC gaming all the way but man I'm getting really sick of shitty fucking ports and blatantly unfinished games being released. Sad times for PC gaming!

As an artist, I appreciate good graphics, but a good game can combine beautiful artwork with quality gameplay. I like a game that I can sink my teeth into, that is mentally challenging and can at times feel like you're reading a really good novel.

I can appreciate the very simple, instant-gratification, task-reward type games that are simulation games. I say they are simple with regard to the mechanics or gameplay elements in them, not their difficulty. I know an accurate sports sim can involve almost as much skill as the real thing.

I don't understand? Why are game mechanics shitty?

I seriously recommend all of you read Rules of Play: Game Design Fundamentals, which outlines the psychology of play, what makes a game- complex concepts and, ultimately, trains of decisions that games entail.

Also, Homo Ludens, which just explores the psychology of meaningful play and how it relates to general logic applied to anything else in the world.

'Gameplay' is a complex thing, with many more elements than one would initially think. The things you process subconsciously whilst playing a game, the things going on and hypothetical strings of questions being simultaneously asked and answered when trying to code a game from the ground up...

I do not enjoy games for graphical content only. I don't think alot of people realize how incredibly complex 'games' and 'play' are as concepts.

givin the games you named an the fact that you went to school for game design i just kinda assumed that. mah bad i do still feel the mechanics of the games i play are shitty at times. the fact that the hit boxes on half the cod's are horrible, the many glitches in games, how in madden you can be tackled by the comp that isnt even facin you. if you touch him your dude goes flyin to the ground an the comp isnt even facin your direction. im just guessin you dont play many fps or sports games which imo have the most issues. oh almost forgot the good ole im pumpin bullets into someone an they run thru them all an stab me to kill me? oh lord that use to make me soo damn angry. or when you have a long range weapon an you get out shot from a distance with a pistol. FUCK THAT
I do believe far as gameplay and story wise,the PS3 does not compete with it's middle and older brother's the PS1 and PS2,if you like pretty graphics,and small little details then the PS3 is right for you,I have one,but I rarely play it,but honestly the PS3 game creators focus way too much on the graphics then they do on the gameplay.You get beautiful graphics and about a couple of hours of gameplay,but don't get me wrong,their has been a few good games for the PS3,but the PS2 and PS1 games had you playing for damn nere days,to me it's all about quality over quanity.

So so true... Which is why I am so glad my PS3 is backwards compatible. I still play Spyro 1!! Although there are so many titles I could just beg Sony to remake for PS3. There have been a few good ones, yes, but I find myself sitting waiting for games on my mental wishlist to come out for it :( FINAL FANTASY VII. I do not care if you're afraid of being accused of trying to leech money from fans with an 'easy win', Square Enix. We want it and we will give you our money, just MAKE IT!!! Damn you teasing us with that technical demo...

In the meantime I've been completely absorbed in Oukami. I wish that was released for PS3 too... It is indeed a work of art and deserves all its awards for concept art, but that aside it flawlessly blends great puzzle, rpg, platforming and combat elements with an engaging story and many many hours of gameplay/replay value. I think I've raved about this game before... it's just that awesome an all-rounder.

But yes, my PS1 and 2 collection is still intact. Gamecube as well because the Wii also suffers with titles lacking substance. There are a few gems, some specifically developed for it and some cross-platform, but generally it's disappointing for the hardcore. The video and free download services are nice though. Game trailers, free demos, contests and multiplayer gaming still holds its appeal along with those weird lifestyle games that involve you waving the remote to shave a poodle whilst cooking an egg roll panini or some shit.
Just blewout ghost recon for xbox 360 and ready for some ,maybe like a new tomb raider or resident evil game for next play.I love the war or and 3rd person shooter games. they rock . My fav was playing Battlefeil 2 online ..but now i have no real net to play on !!! grrr.So i have to play thye 360.. But still love that shit ! I been playing comp games from the time we had to write them our selves on a comador vic WOW i dated myself..Shit i remember when pong was the shit !!!lol
Just blewout ghost recon for xbox 360 and ready for some ,maybe like a new tomb raider or resident evil game for next play.I love the war or and 3rd person shooter games. they rock . My fav was playing Battlefeil 2 online ..but now i have no real net to play on !!! grrr.So i have to play thye 360.. But still love that shit ! I been playing comp games from the time we had to write them our selves on a comador vic WOW i dated myself..Shit i remember when pong was the shit !!!lol

Me to man, sinclair days. Good times!

So so true... Which is why I am so glad my PS3 is backwards compatible. I still play Spyro 1!! Although there are so many titles I could just beg Sony to remake for PS3. There have been a few good ones, yes, but I find myself sitting waiting for games on my mental wishlist to come out for it :( FINAL FANTASY VII. I do not care if you're afraid of being accused of trying to leech money from fans with an 'easy win', Square Enix. We want it and we will give you our money, just MAKE IT!!! Damn you teasing us with that technical demo...

In the meantime I've been completely absorbed in Oukami. I wish that was released for PS3 too... It is indeed a work of art and deserves all its awards for concept art, but that aside it flawlessly blends great puzzle, rpg, platforming and combat elements with an engaging story and many many hours of gameplay/replay value. I think I've raved about this game before... it's just that awesome an all-rounder.

But yes, my PS1 and 2 collection is still intact. Gamecube as well because the Wii also suffers with titles lacking substance. There are a few gems, some specifically developed for it and some cross-platform, but generally it's disappointing for the hardcore. The video and free download services are nice though. Game trailers, free demos, contests and multiplayer gaming still holds its appeal along with those weird lifestyle games that involve you waving the remote to shave a poodle whilst cooking an egg roll panini or some shit.
Final fantasy 7 was one of all time favorites for the PS1,that game was long as hell,3 disk's right? the story just grabbed you in it,I remember playing so long,I would completely lose touch with reality,until I had to go pee or something,but the characters,the story line was some epic shit,riding the chocobo's,going to arcade place where they had chocobo racing and all kind of side mission games was some fun game play,I want to buy the original FF7 and collect it,bcuz I know it will be worth thousands in the future.
I'd check eBay but I suspect its already going to cost you hundreds lol.

Conventions are a good place to look, aswell, I think I saw a copy, but unlikely sealed/in good condition.

That game is truly epic... There's a whole chapter on it in Rules of Play lol

But this is where my girly, superficial side comes through; I think Cloud in the Advent Children movie is unbelievably, incredibly super hot. I have a wall scroll of him hanging right next to my head as I type...


They are re-releasing FF7 in HD on PC soon mate, Google it :)

Oh... My god.

I need to download me an emulator quick.
I have 2 copies still of it for PS1, I dont think its that expensive.. The older ones go for shit tons though, you can grab an emulator and download them if you just want to play em but to buy all the series... now that would be big monies
I might just play it again also.

I played it again recently and still acted like a baby when she [Spoiler Removed]. Such emotion from a game. I remember playing it first time clearly.. went to the local HMV and lined up for it on release. At the time I had a Japanese student around my age living with my family while he learnt English.. Well you can imagine, it had already been out ages there so basically I got to play it through with a true pro. Yes all the stereotypes are true.. amazing gamer, we literally gutted the game in around 120 hours.
I just beat the first Final Fantasy with the NESoid emulator for Android. Took me just under 20 years but I beat it.

I just beat the first Final Fantasy with the NESoid emulator for Android. Took me just under 20 years but I beat it.

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I was playing it on NES a couple of months ago, I got really busy at work for a while and when I tried playing again I was lost, finally figured out where to go. I probably could have looked it up or checked my official nintendo power guide I have for it but that would be cheating.
Yeah the NES one is tough. Being on the phone good because I can play whenever and there is a setting where you walk twice as fast, so it takes half the time to get around. Also have NBA Jam and Ninja Turtles. :bigjoint:
Anyone else read Official Nintendo Magazine (formerly NOM) or other gamer magazines? I had to stop buying them because they're up to $10 each and I always want more than one then I ran out of space because I keep them all and reread them...

I'm not really a computer gamer but on the topic of Retro, who else likes King's Quest and Jazz Jackrabbit?
